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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Re: Cell phone carriers.

OK, here's the link for the tower locations:http://www.cellreception.com/towers/

From that link:
"Unfortunately, not every antenna is required to be registered with the FCC, and the map may not list all the towers in the area, but most are included. Additionally, many carriers have sold their tower assets to third party companies, and leasing agreements are unknown. If this is the case, the best way to determine carrier coverage is by reading comments in the local area."

Since some companies do lease their towers, and or their assets, to other carriers, and some towers are not registered with the FCC, don't rely strictly on this data. Also, looking at that map, only one shows up with an actual brand name anyone would recognize. In addition, there is a radio tower listed on there, which has nothing to do with cell phones.

You can go to this link and see comments on cell phone coverage for the area. Remember that smart companies are hiring people to log into these type comment boards to stack the deck with good reports, so use the comments with a grain of salt.


Beach Lover
Nov 1, 2007
Cell phone service around 30a?

Hello all! I have a question regarding cell service around santa rosa beach...I currently use T-Mobile as my cell phone provider but I have some trouble with reception around intersection of 393/30a, inside some buildings and also in Point Washington. Do you know of a provider that has excellent coverage around this area regardless of which phone you have? (I understand that cell phones all have different antenna's and that can make a difference.) Help, anybody?? :dunno:


Beach Comber
Jun 19, 2007
I used T-mobile in past but had to give it up due to dead zones. I use Alltel and it works fine. Although, I have a little problem right before and right after the intersection of 395 and 30A - where I miss every third word but it last less than a half mile.
Originally used Sprint when I moved here and it was terrible.
I have friends who use AT&T and they don't have problems along 30A. Have actually thought about switching so I could get an IFON.

Good luck!

Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
Nextel, works in all of Walton County except for 5 miles east of Freeport and, but there is nothing out there anyway, it comes back around Tri Village. Good success.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
I like Verizon because it gets reception on 20 and other roads I drive frequently - the reason I got a cell in the first place was in case of emergency.

Friend has AT&T or T-Mobile and is SOL most of the drive to Tallahassee.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 11, 2005
I'm on Sprint now and get good service everywhere I regularly go. Sprint seems to have improved in the 4 years I've been here. Can't speak for north of 98, though, as I don't spend a lot of time there.

It seems that much depends on the specific phone you've got. Another member of the TreeFrog household finds that a Treo drops calls occaisionally at our place near Eastern Lake, but my little Samsung flip phone rarely drops them. Oh well...


Beach Fanatic
Oct 1, 2006
Dune Allen
alltell does not work in seaside....from 395 to watercolor...
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