We had the best mailbox made. It was wonderful and somewhat baseball bat proof. But not CAR proof. It was sold by Classy Mailboxes in Atlanta, however they have since changed ownership. It was originally made for the northern part of the country and would swing designed for snow plows that would gently nudge it and it would move.
We found this one because we live partime in Atlanta in Morningside/Johnson Estates on an extremely busy road. It is like almost getting killed by cars when getting your mail.
It has been run over by cars fours times now. The first was replaced, the second the arm replaced, the third went to the welder, the forth was fixed by a friend and now the fifth is the original box, with the original numbers, and placed on a regular post. It no longer swings. It is so sad. And it wasn't inexpensive. I do care and I don't care what it looks like. We might care this spring when we try and sell the house.
Please let me know if anyone finds swinging mailboxes. I googled for a year!