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I am looking for an attractive baseball-bat-proof mailbox and post. I was just about to order the Seranto mailbox (Mailboxes & Posts - Grandin Road) when last week our neighbor's mailbox like this got bashed in. They quickly put up a stone mailbox (which I think is illegal because it doesn't break away if a vehicle hits it).

When we built our house, all of our neighbors had off-street mailboxes. So we built two brick posts, one of which was intended to hold the mailbox, the same distance from the street as our next-door neigbors' (one car length). We got a note from the mail carrier saying that he wouldn't deliver mail there. We talked to the postmaster and asked why everyone else in the neighborhood was allowed to have off-street mailboxes and we weren't. He said they were grandfathered in. Then several houses were built later, and they were allowed to put their mailboxes near their houses!

We have a baseball-bat-proof mailbox now, but it's ugly and the post is dying. With the wedding reception at our home in June, we want the mailbox to look good.

I have googled and found a few options, but was wondering if any of you have an attractive mailbox that fits my bat-proof requirement.
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SoWal Insider
Apr 18, 2007
Do people take their frustrations out on mailboxes? :dunno:

My mailman has 'predator bug' issues and wants my mailbox to be nekked. I rather like my jasmine growing on it~~~~~~

I like copper mailboxes, but don't think they are baseball bat proof.
Do people take their frustrations out on mailboxes? :dunno:

My mailman has 'predator bug' issues and wants my mailbox to be nekked. I rather like my jasmine growing on it~~~~~~

I like copper mailboxes, but don't think they are baseball bat proof.
Mailbox bashing is a sport here. A few times a year I'll drive by several homes with newly-bashed-in mailboxes.

Copper isn't bash-proof unfortunately.


SoWal Insider
Apr 18, 2007
Kids these days! I guess resin isn't really baseball bat proof.......maybe brick enclosed! That would be pretty with your house!

Ours got run over all the time. Straightest, flatest, but looooong driveway and some kid always ran it over backing out at 90MPH!


Apr 26, 2008
Kids these days! I guess resin isn't really baseball bat proof.......maybe brick enclosed! That would be pretty with your house!

Ours got run over all the time. Straightest, flatest, but looooong driveway and some kid always ran it over backing out at 90MPH!

It's not just these days. That started back in the 70's.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wkqGAsClO0"]YouTube- Dazed and Confused "Mailbox"[/ame]


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
"Attractive and baseball-bat-proof mailbox" goes together like "inexpensive and dental-implant."

Get a one of those really big standard mailboxes and a smaller standard mailbox about 4" smaller. Remove the door of the smaller mailbox and place it inside the larger mailbox leaving an inch or more of clearance around all sides. Fill the gap with quickcrete--let dry. Secure the mailbox to a heavy-duty post, paint a bulls-eye on the side and circle the area with some attractive plants. Upkeep requires keeping plants pruned and watered and cleaning up portions of splintered bats.

For added fun, keep a night-vision camera trained on the mailbox and another in the emergency room to film the mothers bringing in their "good kids" in to get treated for dislocated shoulders and broken wrists. Produce a film montage set to music and post on Youtube.
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SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
That was mu suggestion too - though beware retaliation and/or lawsuits if the would be mailbox smasher injures themselves. :roll:
"Attractive and baseball-bat-proof mailbox" goes together like "inexpensive and dental-implant."

Get a one of those really big standard mailboxes and a smaller standard mailbox about 4" smaller. Remove the door of the smaller mailbox and place it inside the larger mailbox leaving an inch or more of clearance around all sides. Fill the gap with quickcrete--let dry. Secure the mailbox to a heavy-duty post, paint a bulls-eye on the side and circle the area with some attractive plants. Upkeep requires keeping plants pruned and watered and cleaning up portions of splintered bats.

For added fun, keep a night-vision camera trained on the mailbox and another in the emergency room to film the mothers bringing in their "good kids" in to get treated for dislocated shoulders and broken wrists. Produce a film montage set to music and post on Youtube.

How about this? http://www.steelmailbox.com/html/heavybilt_mailboxes.html ? Is that just too gross?

Lynnie, we have two brick posts. A third brick post would mess with my OCD with symmetry.
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