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SoWal Insider
Apr 18, 2007
Y'all, did your premiums really increase exorbitantly every year? As I hear stories like this, it becomes more and more evident as to what the states' insurance commissioner allows. Have Y'all reached out to him and the Governor, for that matter. Rate adjustments have to be approved each year.
I have been self-employed most of my career and my largest increase was maybe 8%, which had more to do with age bracket change than anything.
Hang in there Dune-Ahh; it's almost over, but I hope you secure affordable coverage soon.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
Us vs. the insurance companies is like Goliath versus the stone on the ground (sans David and the sling).

They know what is allowed and even minor attempts to cap increases result in lobbying, cuts, and people dropped from policies - which is why I get a letter letting me know that my premium is increasing 15-25% EXACTLY every 365 days. :angry:


Beach Fanatic
Y'all, did your premiums really increase exorbitantly every year? As I hear stories like this, it becomes more and more evident as to what the states' insurance commissioner allows. Have Y'all reached out to him and the Governor, for that matter. Rate adjustments have to be approved each year.
I have been self-employed most of my career and my largest increase was maybe 8%, which had more to do with age bracket change than anything.
Hang in there Dune-Ahh; it's almost over, but I hope you secure affordable coverage soon.

Between 1998 and 2008 I averaged 45% increases per year. NO I did not reach out to the FL ins. commissioner or governor because had I reached out I probably would have sunk an axe in someone's forehead.:eek:


Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
Between 1998 and 2008 I averaged 45% increases per year. NO I did not reach out to the FL ins. commissioner or governor because had I reached out I probably would have sunk an axe in someone's forehead.:eek:

Taking on the Insurance lobby is very difficult. Even some well heeled special interests have not been able to make a dent...
premiums go up every year; and this week I just got a letter saying that the insurance company has decided that I do not need the prescription my doc wrote for me --the only medication I take -- they have decided that they will only pay for another, which does not work for me.

Now, who is making my medical decisions?

I will have to hire an attorney, to get them to cover the meds!:bang::bang::bang:

And, yes, I would rather have the government making these decisions rather than the insurance company--I have found the government to be more reasonable and the people who work for the government to be more compassionate.

Could it be that the government employees are more in touch with the rest of us...they aren't taking home a million dollar bonus!
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