Here are the final results of the pick'ems this season. I won the regular season, carson is the bowl champion (he won the three-way tie by picking 37 yards as the length of the first field goal), and Iris is overall champ for the entire season. Congratulations to all.
I know that steel1man never got his party last year because we had major damage right after last year's championship game due to a frozen pipe that I had to supervise the repair of, and then I broke my back and had surgery from which I didn't recover until August. This year I can't plan a party because I am going to LA for our daughter's birthday, then I'll have back surgery to remove the pins and rod. If someone would like to organize a little get-together, that would be great.
I'm not saying I want time to fly at my age, but cnestg8r and I will enjoy another season of pick'ems. I will do the stats, and hopefully Lady D will do the rest. She did a great job this season. Thanks, 30A Skunkape, for starting this SoWal tradition.
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