love the names. Potato Bowl, Taxslayer BowlThis will be the slate. I'll repost in chronological order in our normal format. This is just a heads up to let you know what is coming. First game 20-Dec-2014. [/URL][/URL]
Okay, folks. Posting the rules for the bowl picks. They have not all been announced yet, but you can start making your decisions on most of them.
The bowl games start on Saturday, December 20. Make your picks by 10 AM CST that morning. To avoid forfeiting games, ALL PICKS FOR ALL BOWL GAMES ARE DUE THEN. IF YOU POST EARLIER, EDITING IS ALLOWED UNTIL 10 AM CST ON 12/20, BUT NO EDITS ARE ALLOWED AFTER THEN. There are just too many bowl games to have to record the picks piecemeal.
After 12/20 at 10 AM CST, you may make one post with all picks for all bowl games on any day you want, but you forfeit all games on the day you post if you don’t post by 10 AM CST, and of course you forfeit all games prior to that day. Again, no edits are allowed after you post.
There will be no points.
The regular season champ has already been named. There will also be a bowl champ. And the overall champ will be the one who has the most wins in the regular season and the bowls combined.
So invite your friends to play the bowl games. Even if they didn't play in the regular season, they could still be the bowl champ.
Happy picking!
BR and cnestg8r
love the names. Potato Bowl, Taxslayer Bowl
Agreed.Some of these bowl names are so ridiculous. The Taxslayer Bowl is really the Gator Bowl I think. Can't they have normal names?
Funny too. Congrats for being the regular season champ.
All of the pickers need to get together January 12th or later to celebrate with steel1man, the bowl champ, and the overall champ. Start thinking about when you'd like to get together. BTW the MLK holiday is January 19, so I think all schools are out Friday through Monday. Everyone I know goes snow skiing those four days. We don't. I don't want to pay to be cold. LOL.
Oh, that's right. Songwriter's Festival is always MLK weekend. I have always felt odd that MLK weekend is when (mostly) white people who can afford it take vacations to NYC, Colorado, and the beach. Not exactly memorializing the meaning of what he represented. But that's how this weekend has evolved.I think the 16 -18th is the Songwriter's Festival. But anytime Steel is buying the drinks I can make time!
Assume we have 43 remaining picks including the championship variants. Further assume steel1man picks at his season rate and only gets 25. The following shows how many each of us need to tie.