Steely is is only right we thank those whom contributed to our success...
Far too many for me to mention, but here are just a few:
First and foremost, the crack-team of wiseguys I consulted weekly...
James " Bookie Buster" Johnson
Benny " The Butcher" Scallini
The " Moneyballer Twins" Yolanda and Latifah
Charlie Smith, AKA " Mr Wallstreet"
"Chicken Little" Anthony Telly
Billy Bones ( yeah, his real name, at least he said it was?)
" Fat Freddy" Fazini
Next, a shout out to all the street hustlers, alley cats and bar wenches who were willing to reveal hidden handicapping secrets never revealed to the general public ( and these were just those here in Destin and Panama City... So many in Vegas I can't even recall)
In summary, it's highly unlikely I could ever have own two weeks of the contest and still ended up under 50% winners for the regular season without such diligent and painstaking research, and the 3 days a week I treated this endeavor like a full time job...
-Reading every team's injury report cover to cover, and looking up all those medical terms on Google
-24 hour a day Sports Center and ESPN
- Calculating the standard deviation of each team's against-the-spread and straight-up records over a 60 game moving average for all D-1 CFB regular season games played in the last five years
There's more of course, but I'll say this:
------- Better than I did last year!!!!