South Walton Turtle Watch

The South Walton Turtle Watch team is hard at work each and every day protecting and assisting our sea turtles for another successful sea turtle season!
Sea Turtle nesting season in South Walton is May 1st through Oct 31st each year. One of the most extraordinary things about South Walton beaches are the sea turtles that nest here. They need our help and protection to survive.
South Walton Turtle Watch is a group of volunteers whose purpose is to locate sea turtle nests and protect them during the crucial nesting and hatching season. They also respond to sick or injured sea turtles that strand on our beaches. By law, only certified, FWC permitted members are allowed to interact with these protected species.
You can help save our endangered Sea Turtles - Just remember: #CleanDarkFlat.
- Keep the beach clean at the end of the day. Take all your things off the beach. Please don't leave anything at the toe of the dune where sea turtles like to nest.
- Keep the beaches dark. Use red or amber lights if you’re out on the beach at night. Sea turtles usually nest at night and need dark beaches. Artificial lights are disturbing and will disorient sea turtles preventing them from finding the water quickly. Turn off your flashlights, cell phone lights, porch lights and pull your curtains if your house faces the beach.
- Fill in all holes before you leave the beach. If you dig it, fill it. This is not only a safety issue for sea turtles, but humans as well. Sand caves in fast. The water on our gulf coast doesn't wash over holes to fill them in at night.
Never pick up or handle turtles or push them or other marine animals back into the water. Never try to remove entanglement gear from a turtle or marine animal. Call for help before taking any action. They are protected by law. Call your local turtle watch experts who have proper training and permits to respond to them, or call FWC to report animal harassment or nest vandalism.
- SWTW Sea Turtle Hotline: 850-865-4503
- Walton County Sheriff: 850-892-8111
- Dial *FWC or #FWC from your cell phone
We all can make a difference by leaving no trace. Be responsible for your gear, holes and lights and that would make a giant difference for the conservation in our world. Ripples go a long way! Thank you for all you do!
Follow South Walton Turtle Watch on Facebook: for updates from the team throughout the season.
At a Glance
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