
SWFD Junior Lifeguard Program Registration Begins April 8

February 15, 2022 by SoWal Staff

Save the date for the 2022 SWFD Junior Lifeguard Program. Mark your calendars for registration starting at noon on April 8th, 2022!

Once registration is underway, we will be able to narrow down the date for swim tests to make sure our juniors are prepared and able to participate this summer. More details about Juniors 2022 are to come, so continue to check back for updates! We'll see you this summer. Also be sure to follow the South Walton Fire District Junior Lifeguard Program on Facebook at

The South Walton Fire District has the perfect opportunity for SoWal kids to learn better beach safety, develop a skill set for the future and develop new friendships.

Participants will learn a range of beach safety skills including: surf lifesaving, personal safety, sun safety, surf conditions, resuscitation and first aid. In order to sign up for the class, participants must meet swimming qualifications with proper freestyle form. Tests are held in May and classes begin in June. Class registration is first come, first served with a limited number of spots.




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