Fishin' On Holiday In South Walton

December 7, 2010 by Larry Pentel

I know, it's been two weeks since I wrote a report but I can plead "busy during the holidays".

I got to run three trips from Grayton Beach over the Thanksgiving Holiday. I had a couple more booked but the weather didn't let us go everyday. Once it cools down I try to avoid rough. It just doesn't go well with cold!

What does go well with cooler temps is Flounder fishing. Last week was the first time this year I chased 'em and we did real well with the flat tasty critters on the first part of each trip, capturing 16 the first day and 19 each of the next 2 trips.


Flounders and Amberines, a great combo

There were still some Kings around and my anglers got to catch a good mess of them after floundering around (sorry, couldn't resist) on a close to the beach trip.

We were never more than a mile and a half off the beach !

The last run off Grayton had the wind and seas lay down toward the end of the trip where we could get off the beach a few miles. My anglers landed some nice scamps, a Gag and a big Black Snapper in addition to a couple Kings after flounder fishin'.


Last Monday I towed the "Dead Fish" to Destin to have new rubber bands put on the transom. I went back this afternoon and picked the boat up with a brand new pair of 4 Stroke 70 hp Yamaha's attached. The 60's that were there are still good motors but with the new 70's we should be able to run faster, jump higher etc. this coming year! Always working on a boat, especially during the winter.

While I was catamaran-less for a week I went over to Indian Pass and ran a couple of regulars over to St. Vincent's for the annual Sambar Deer Hunt. Those that have fished with me over there have heard me talk about these great big critters. While my guys didn't bag one I did get a picture of a "Little" one when I went back to pick my guys up.

This one weighed 404 pounds dressed.

While waiting for a call to run the flats boat over and pick up a 700 pound Sambar I got to spend a couple days chasing redfish on the Flats. I got two hours in by myself one day that was as good as it gets, warm, calm and clear water.. Even poling the boat and fishing by myself I hooked a dozen fish and got to see over 100 in an hour and half. I was more than just a little excited. I got to take a another fellow out a couple days under (much ) cooler conditions and we saw lots of fish and got some great shots those days as well.

Once you can see 'em - you can catch 'em !

This fish was a little too big to keep and the morning a little too cool for my taste but my angler was estatic!

Still lots of fish worth chasing out there. I plan on doing a little more "play" fishing myself in the next week. After all, I have to break in these new motors!



Larry Pentel's picture

Captain Larry Pentel is a native of South Walton, growing up just 300 yards from the beach. Having fished the local waters for over 40 years, he is very familiar with all the different types of local fish, their habits, and most importantly - their habitats. Captain Larry is the owner of Dead Fish Charters

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