An Easy Fall Fishin' in SoWal

November 6, 2013 by Larry Pentel

After running hard all season I have to admit that Fall is not only easy, but downright enjoyable! I have cut back to one trip a day as there just isn't enough daylight anymore to run 2 trips and get all the tackle and boat "stuff" done by black dark.

The cool fronts have started coming down and it's been too rough to be able to fish a few days a week which is fine as the vistiors have thinned out leaving just enough folks to fish on the pretty days. The roads aren't congested, the beach is almost empty and there are no lines at the grocery, good restaruants or (most important) my favorite bartenders.

To make it even better... there's lots of fish! I have gotten a bunch of boat and tackle projects done on the no-fishing days and taken some excitable folks out the others. Twice in the past 10 days I have run a group trip with another boat. Both times I got to pick who went with me so naturally I grabbed all the Gals on the Boys vs Girls trip and all the kids on the Parents vs Kids trip.............needless to say our boat won no problem in all the competition.

These gals had never been but were keen on trying to beat the husbands on another boat..They won hands down....Kings, Trigs, Scamp, Seabass.. Biggest, most and most variety!

These "kids" got on the boat and said all they needed to do was catch more and bigger fish than the parents...No problem !! I think 2 of the gals had to take a nap when they got home as hard as they fished .

These kids are from Scotland (by way of Texas) and had dad on board to cheer 'em on. This was there second trip with me and they fish hard!

Most of these guys fish with me every year and know the drill but the King bite was so hot this morning that I had 'em yelling and hollerin' like 1st timers!

Even with that great board of fish and the rest of a limit of vermillions in the box the high point of the trip for these guys was that Bull Shark. The fellow getting close with it was not only exited to be able to eat it but even had the Jaws mounted for the wall as well.

The last "second" trip of 2013 ... Jacks, Triggers and Vermillions. A lot of fishing in 3 hours....

While I haven't had time to chase 'em, the Flounders have showed up in shore as well. My son and a buddy took a homemade boat off the beach to one of my spots day 'fore yesterday and came in just one short of a flounder limit on a short trip. The whiting and Reds are in the surf as well and the big Bull Reds are thick in the Passes. With the days getting shorter there just isn't enough daylight to chase everything that's out there!!!


Larry Pentel's picture

Captain Larry Pentel is a native of South Walton, growing up just 300 yards from the beach. Having fished the local waters for over 40 years, he is very familiar with all the different types of local fish, their habits, and most importantly - their habitats. Captain Larry is the owner of Dead Fish Charters

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