
Walk Her Way at Rosemary Beach 2013 Photos

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Men, women, kids, and pets got a chance to strut their stuff around the town of Rosemary Beach on a recent Friday evening. The Second Annual Walk Her Way event was held on June 7, 2013, raising over $30,000 through sponsorships, teams, walkers, raffles and fundraising events throughout South Walton leading up to the main event.

Walk Her Way is not just a fun walk. It carries a serious message about respect and healthy relationships. Shelter House’s Clothesline Project, a touching exhibit that allows adult and child victims of domestic violence to tell their story through words and art, was on display in Rosemary Beach on the day of the walk.

Presented by Rosemary Beach Foundation and Shelter House, Walk Her Way benefits Shelter House Domestic Violence Center and Rosemary Beach Foundation community programs.

Walk Her Way Teams 2013

Art and Sole (The Hidden Lantern)
Coterie (Corr Group)
Dicey Divas (Rosemary Beach Holdings)
Fit Your Way (Fitness, Zumba, Dance)
Krewe du Shoe (Friends of Rosemary Beach Foundation)
The Moonettes (Moonpize:  A Ladies Shoe and Apparel Boutique)
Peace Love Sole (Nest 30A)
Perspicasity (A Seaside Bazaar)
Pumps-N-Pearls (The Pearl)
Sacred Hospital on the Emerald Coast
Shelter House
Team Soap (Pish Posh Patchouli’s)

Thanks to all 2013 sponsors, teams, walkers and volunteers. The South Walton community truly demonstrated great spirit supporting the Walk Her Way!

Shelter House, Inc. is a state certified domestic violence center serving Okaloosa and Walton counties and offering emergency confidential shelter, crisis counseling, a 24-hour hotline, children’s programs, information and referrals, education, professional training, safety planning and prevention services to survivors of domestic violence and their children.

Established in 2006, Rosemary Beach Foundation provides cultural, educational andcharitable activities for residents and visitors of Walton County while continuing to support local charities and community projects. In our 7-year history, Rosemary Beach Foundation has donated over $350,000.

Rosemary Beach Foundation fulfills it mission through six annual programs: Music in Pictures, Girls Getaway, Rosemary Beach Unleashed, Fall Lecture Series, Taste of Rosemary, and Walk Her Way. Learn more about the Foundation&'s programs at

Learn more info about Walk Her Way event


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