Personal Statements, Professional Letters, Company Bios, Resumes, Brochures, School papers....
Everyone at one point or another is going to have to sit down and create one type of document or another. If you are a small business owner, it can be costly to hire a company to write content for your webpage, brochure or newsletter when I can do it in less time and for a fraction of the cost. Applying for med school or law school? A major part of the application process is the Personal Statement. You have to effectively communicate to the reader why you are an excellent candidate for admission and why you are different from the other applicants. Resume services can be costly and impersonal. Maybe you can do the writing, but need someone to edit and proofread your work; I can step in and help with that as well.
We can take care of your writing needs a number of ways. We can meet and discuss the type of work you need done and if you are satisfied after meeting with me, then we can go from there. Another option would be to simply send me the document that needs proofreading or editing and I will work on it and return it to you as needed.
I have several years of writing and editing experience. I have helped numerous people with wide range of writing needs. I will help you become a better writer. Your satisfaction with the finished product is a condition of full payment. Fees are negotiable and are guaranteed to be low. It will be worth it.
Please email me at or private message me on sowal. I am a local resident who can work with you to overcome writer's block. Do not sit up all night working on a document when you can send it to me.
Everyone at one point or another is going to have to sit down and create one type of document or another. If you are a small business owner, it can be costly to hire a company to write content for your webpage, brochure or newsletter when I can do it in less time and for a fraction of the cost. Applying for med school or law school? A major part of the application process is the Personal Statement. You have to effectively communicate to the reader why you are an excellent candidate for admission and why you are different from the other applicants. Resume services can be costly and impersonal. Maybe you can do the writing, but need someone to edit and proofread your work; I can step in and help with that as well.
We can take care of your writing needs a number of ways. We can meet and discuss the type of work you need done and if you are satisfied after meeting with me, then we can go from there. Another option would be to simply send me the document that needs proofreading or editing and I will work on it and return it to you as needed.
I have several years of writing and editing experience. I have helped numerous people with wide range of writing needs. I will help you become a better writer. Your satisfaction with the finished product is a condition of full payment. Fees are negotiable and are guaranteed to be low. It will be worth it.
Please email me at or private message me on sowal. I am a local resident who can work with you to overcome writer's block. Do not sit up all night working on a document when you can send it to me.