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Beach Lover
Oct 20, 2009
THE NEW MOVE STRONG DESTIN TRAINING CENTER-- WHERE TRANSFORMATIONS HAPPEN>>>>>We are located right between our friends at Destin Hot Yoga and Coastal Core Pilates & Golf Conditioning.

You are working later and later, you are exhausted, but the work never stops piling up and the last thing you feel like doing is going to the Gym.http://www.movestrongdestin.com/

To make matters worse, you have no energy when you get home, so cooking dinner has become a quick toasted sandwich or the take out you tell yourself you deserve, and tomorrow you will get back on track. Tomorrow morning you will go to the gym.

Another pizza, another morning, another snooze button, and now that favourite pair of pants, well they are just a little too tight around the butt.

You need to make a change, you need to make the time for you, you need somewhere that gets maximum results, at times that suit you, with like minded people just like you who are positive and want to make big changes...

You have found it. I will help you drop that weight and fit into those new SMALLER jeans. With times that suit your work schedule, a clean eating nutrition guide with meals that are quick and easy to prepare, and killer workouts to help the pounds and bodyfat vanish in no time.

Send us a message right now saying you want in and are tired of the same old lifestyle that you have been living!

Unlike most trainers, we will not take just anyone on the team who is willing to throw money at us...

Our success rate is very high because we make sure that our clients are ready to fully commit and work there butts off. If you are interested in training and you're someone who is willing to put in the work, I will do everything in my power to help you.

On the other hand if you want a magic pill or just want to pay someone and not show up, I would rather refer you to many gyms that would love to take your money.
I look at it like this if Oprah couldn't buy fitness, no one else can either. I will actually stalk and harass you for missing sessions and not sticking to our plan

And get this.....

Stalking and harassment is at no extra and included in your training
After all isn't that what you're paying for?

The choice is totally up to you- are you in or out-http://www.movestrongdestin.com/

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