We'd like to buy 4 basic, maybe good used bikes. And then we need to figure out where to store them at our place because we have no room inside and no covered storage outside. We could store them under our cottage because we have access to some storage space there -- this means they'd be laying on their sides on the sand. Or we could build a bike rack and store them there, but that means that we'd have to get a cover for them (no big deal) and guests would feel bad that they don't have access to them (I'd feel uncomfortable having everyone use them for safety and liability reasons/bike lock reaons, etc.). Do you have any suggestions for which is the best way to store our bikes when we're not there? Would they get damaged by weather by being stored under the cottage or just outside on a bike rack? If they were outside on a bike rack, would they be dangerous (e.g., would they fly away and hit someone's house or go through their windows during a hurricane?)
Any other bike advice? I am not a bike-rider at all, but hope to become one.
Any other bike advice? I am not a bike-rider at all, but hope to become one.