For those of you who missed last night's showing of the Elam Stoltzfus documentary "1000 miles in a 100 days, the FLORIDA WILDLIFE EXPEDITION" at the Seaside rep, an additional showing is now scheduled for this evening. Don't miss it. So many people showed up Thursday that the Rep couldn't accommodate them, thus the second showing. Make sure you see 1000 miles in a 100 days, the FLORIDA WILDLIFE EXPEDITION. Don't miss it!
Also, I am attaching a notification for the Monthly Seminar Series offered by the UF/IFAS Extension. Their first program of the year is on "The Secret Life of Beach Mice."Jan 14 Salty Topics Beach Mice.pdf
SAVE THE DATE: The SWCC will be presenting its first public forum of the year on February 27th. We will be having speakers from the Audubon Society talking about shorebirds and a walk on the beach to see nesting birds. Stay tuned for more information.
We are a great community to have so many resources for conservation education. Please come out and support all of the efforts!
Also, I am attaching a notification for the Monthly Seminar Series offered by the UF/IFAS Extension. Their first program of the year is on "The Secret Life of Beach Mice."Jan 14 Salty Topics Beach Mice.pdf
SAVE THE DATE: The SWCC will be presenting its first public forum of the year on February 27th. We will be having speakers from the Audubon Society talking about shorebirds and a walk on the beach to see nesting birds. Stay tuned for more information.
We are a great community to have so many resources for conservation education. Please come out and support all of the efforts!