Hi Guys & Gals,
Swing your partner and head on down to Fit Your Way on 30A for some fun Country Line Dancing lessons at 6 PM this Valentine's Day! Marcia will teach you a couple of dances and you will meet people looking for some good wholesome fun!
This class is held every other Friday and just so happens to hit on Valentine's Day. Guys, put a smile on your Gal's face! Bring her down for a rootin' tootin' time at Fit Your Way and still have enough time to go out to a romantic dinner.
Singles are always welcome, as well. Cost is $3/person or $5/couple.
Fit Your Way is located at 1598 Route 393 South (just north of Gulf Place)
Check out the web site for additional information at www.fyw30a.com

Swing your partner and head on down to Fit Your Way on 30A for some fun Country Line Dancing lessons at 6 PM this Valentine's Day! Marcia will teach you a couple of dances and you will meet people looking for some good wholesome fun!
This class is held every other Friday and just so happens to hit on Valentine's Day. Guys, put a smile on your Gal's face! Bring her down for a rootin' tootin' time at Fit Your Way and still have enough time to go out to a romantic dinner.
Singles are always welcome, as well. Cost is $3/person or $5/couple.
Fit Your Way is located at 1598 Route 393 South (just north of Gulf Place)
Check out the web site for additional information at www.fyw30a.com

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