Keep Your New Year's Resolution
It is that time of year when we all think about changes we want to make in our lives. Waistlines and wallets factor heavily when people set personal goals. For many people, these resolutions include reducing debt, losing weight, saving money, or eating more healthful. Do you need some extra motivation to keep you stick to these plans??Small Steps to Health and Wealth? is an exciting course that will give you the strategies you need to improve your health and personal finances. Participants will also be eligible to enter the National Small Steps Challenge, which begins Jan. 17th. This three-week course will be offered in two locations and times beginning Thursday Jan. 7 through 21st.
- 10 a.m.-12 noon: Grayton Beach, UF/Walton Extension Office, 70 Logan Lane
- 5:30-7:30 p.m: Crestview, UF/Okaloosa Extension Office, 5479 Old Bethel Road
Small Steps to Health and Wealth is sponsored and taught by the University of Florida/IFAS Extension in Okaloosa and Walton Counties.