Uber drivers needed in Walton County! Full Time or part time. Sign up today at GET.UBER.COM/INVITE/?INVITE_CODE=KIMC7514UE
Uber drivers needed in Walton County! Full Time or part time. Sign up today at GET.UBER.COM/INVITE/?INVITE_CODE=KIMC7514UE
I have signed up, but cannot find any surrounding cities, especially Santa Rosa Beach, FL to sign up as a driver.Uber drivers needed in Walton County! Full Time or part time. Sign up today at GET.UBER.COM/INVITE/?INVITE_CODE=KIMC7514UE
You will get assigned to drive anywhere around Inlet beach to Pensacola, but you can drive just in Santa Rosa Beach if you want to. LaI have signed up, but cannot find any surrounding cities, especially Santa Rosa Beach, FL to sign up as a driver.
I'm sorry, Uber is just starting in the area....hopefully we can get some drivers soon.I tried to get Uber in PCB yesterday and was dissapointed that we don't have yet :-(
You will get assigned to drive anywhere around Inlet beach to Pensacola, but you can drive just in Santa Rosa Beach if you want to. La