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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Watch the Red Bar rebuild on the SoWal live Red Bar Webcam >>


The Red Bar just celebrated its 24th anniversary in downtown Grayton Beach Florida the way it always does on Super Bowl Sunday with jello shots and music by Hubba Hubba. I am not sure how many years the old Grayton store building has existed before it became home of Redbar.


The Red Bar burned to the ground on the morning of February 13 in a pre-dawn fire. The news has been heartbreaking for so many people. The response has been overwhelming by those who have experienced many life memories here over the years. We feel a bond. Ownership. Grief. Because of a place where we have gathered with friends and family many times over many years.

I've even read posts by people who have never visited who can't wait to visit the rebuilt Redbar.


Owner Oli Petit put out a statement that he plans to rebuild right away to the exact specs as the original building with perhaps nicer bathrooms. He says: Life goes on. And he's so right.

Some say it can't be replicated. It will never be the same. Well I am grateful. That no one was hurt. That we had this place for so long. That it was cherished by so many people. That it holds so many memories and dreams. I don't know what a new Redbar will be like. We will see sooner rather than later. It will be a work of art for sure. It will honor our memories and capture our hearts with great food, music, drinks, fun and funk.

Meanwhile. We have stories to tell and photos to share. They are everywhere online as Redbar lovers express their support for this unique little bar in our historic beach town. Let's share them here in the SoWal Community Forums where we have always told our stories.

One thing is for sure. The Red Bar belongs to the community. She is all of us. We have a stake in her future.

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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Facebook post 2/14/2019

Thank you Oliver Petit for giving us a shot to play there on a lonely Sunday brunch in 2002. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to play music there for 17 years and blessed to be a part of the Red Bar Family.

Our hearts go out to all the employees, The Red Bar Jazz band and the entire Petit family.

Reflecting on all those years, we’re reminded of all the love that we’ve shared together at The Red Bar . We want to thank our fans, our family and friends, who’ve grown WITH us and shared all those memories together.

We became a band on that Red Bar stage.
We will keep playing and when they rebuild you will hear us on that stage once again.

These pictures are from one of our first Sunday brunches, meeting & jamming with Heroes, Justin Price-rees getting his green card for extraordinary ability and playing with Kenny Oliverio and John Reinlie.

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Beach Fanatic
Sep 24, 2007
I recall being there for one of the first few Super Bowl Sundays where everyone was there for The Game....until Hubba Hubba started playing.....good times. Red Bar music scene was second only to the Paneed Chicken and mashed potatoes, or the crab cake (and the Citrus Bure Blanc salad!). Loved the Red Bar Band, Dread Clampitt, and Duke Bardwell (and friends and family)! Thanks to Oli and the Red Bar family for great meals and memories past, and for those to come.
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