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Beach Fanatic
Feb 19, 2005
Now using biodegradable, corn-based cups and bags. They apparently cost a lot more but it's the right thing to do so they're doing it for all of us. Do them a favor and shop there and bring a cloth bag or cardboard box to carry your items home.

For The Health Of It

Beach Fanatic
Jul 29, 2005
Thank you so much SoWalSally. We are trying to make a difference and yes, we encourage all our customers to bring in bags to re-use or to recycle.

If we can get more businesses on board with the bio-degradable products it would make a huge statement about our community. maybe would could get some national media coverage for leading the way in the South.

Peace and Health

Rachel and Ed
For The Health of It
2217 west Scenic 30A
Blue Mountain
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