Go Wings! I've followed the team since the early days of Steve Yzerman when the wins were few but there was always hope of a good Bob Probert or Joe Kocur fight. (Probert was never the same player when he kicked the cocaine habit)
In the living room of a house that's currently in the middle of a minor redecorating and reno project. (Sigh. The mister needs to finish up his office project so I can get my guest and exercise room back)
Unfortunately I will be working tonight and will catch the last period... It will work out though as they usually win when I am not watching... GO WINGS!
Loved Stevie Y, and Probert! Another fave of mine was Federov, when he first started playing he was always smiling... I loved that.
Unfortunately I will be working tonight and will catch the last period... It will work out though as they usually win when I am not watching... GO WINGS!
Yeah - I realized later in the day after I posted; yesterday was Thursday... I thought I was in Friday land yesterday... BUT - here it is today! (I usually work Fri nights & have it off for some reason today, but worked last night... - yeah me!)...
I will be watching the game at home with a nice cold beer (or 3) and my Wings jersey on!
(sorry for the babbling - not enough coffee yet...)