Forming on Scenic 30a near The Preserve, the parade heads westbound ending at Gulf Place. The event began as a small parade in 2008, and has now grown to a parade plus festival complete with green beer, Guinness sponsored banners, rocking entertainment and an Irish good time.
This year will be the largest parade and "Fest" with Irish band and dancers and of course, green beer, vendors and artists at Gulf Place. Come out to support Jac McTighe as Grand Marshal of the parade.
Place in parade available for businesses and individuals! Please decorate your car truck or other vehicle in Irish Decor. Best in parade award will be made after parade at Gulf Place.
Volunteers needed for help with parade and events. Please email
See website for information and registration
St Patrick Parade & Festival at Gulf Place 2012 | Photo Gallery
This year will be the largest parade and "Fest" with Irish band and dancers and of course, green beer, vendors and artists at Gulf Place. Come out to support Jac McTighe as Grand Marshal of the parade.
Place in parade available for businesses and individuals! Please decorate your car truck or other vehicle in Irish Decor. Best in parade award will be made after parade at Gulf Place.
Volunteers needed for help with parade and events. Please email
See website for information and registration
St Patrick Parade & Festival at Gulf Place 2012 | Photo Gallery

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