Messaging System Overview
We have found a messaging system to text SWTW alerts to any text-capable phone you link to the system. The phone
does not have to be a smartphone, but it must be capable of sending and receiving text messages in order to link to the
system. The SWTW alerts, sent via this system, will notify vendors when various sections of South Walton beaches have
been cleared by SWTW.
Vendors who signed up for the system the previous year does not need to sign up the following year unless the vendor
withdrew from the system.
It is our desire to notify vendors as soon as possible when sections of the beach have been cleared. Walton County
Waterways and Beach Activities Ordinance 2019-05, Section 22-60 (d) (4) states, “During the sea turtle nesting season,
vendors shall be allowed access to the beach between 7:30 a.m., or after the morning sea turtle nesting survey has been
completed, or whichever is earlier, and one hour after sunset.” The SWTW alert we are describing here will serve as
notification that the morning sea turtle nesting survey has been completed. Be aware that as we move through the
season, sunrise hours will vary. Beginning in the fall, daylight will come later, and we will be forced to start our survey
Vendors will need to sign up for each section of beach for which they want to receive an alert. There are 18 different
beach sections, designated by SWTW. Each section of the beach has a designation, such as SWTW01 for the first section,
of the eastern most beach in the county, and SWTW02 for the second, or next, section of the beach. The descriptions of
the various areas can be found on page two, along with the texting messages. The sections are listed east to west.
Texts that are sent by SWTW area coordinators or their designated person from the beach may not contain complete
descriptions of those cleared beaches so you will need to know which designation refers to which section of beach. For
example, what beach section does SWTWG10 refer? As shown on page two, the answer is Grayton Beach.
The system allows vendors to receive either text message alerts or an email alert. You should sign up for whichever
method you prefer.
SWTW will clear beaches after they have been walked even if there is a nest on that beach. Any nests found will be
marked with small flags until they have been completely investigated and documented by SWTW. BE SURE TO STEER
CLEAR OF ANY AREAS WITH THESE SMALL FLAGS even if the beach has been cleared. Remember, when you see our
flags, it means we are taking care of a nest or crawl. The beach may have been cleared but vendors are not authorized to
set up in an area that is still being investigated.
It is our intention to clear every section of the beach as quickly as possible every day. Times that sections will be cleared
will vary due to individual walkers, storms, lightning, or heavy rain. An area may be cleared later than usual because of
nesting sea turtles, hatchlings or possibly a nest has been violated by an animal. Despite these potential influences, we
still anticipate vendors will be cleared to get on the beach well before the time specified in the Walton County Municipal
Once vendors have signed up for the alerts, as described on page 2, vendors will receive confirmation of being signed up
for each section.
Messages sent out through the system cannot be edited or deleted so there is a permanent record of texts sent to
SWTW does not see the vendor’s telephone numbers and the vice versa. The number you text, when subscribing to the
alert system, is a messaging system phone number only.
Signing Up for Text Alerts
SWTWG1 – Camp Helen to Main St. in Rosemary Beach walk up (Where clock is on the building)
SWTWG2 – Main St. in Rosemary Beach to Charles St. in Alys Beach
SWTWG3 – Charles St. in Alys Beach to 8870 Co Hwy 30A E
SWTWG4 – 8870 Co Hwy 30A E to Ramsgate Condos in Seacrest
SWTWG5 – Ramsgate Condos in Seacrest to Camp Creek outfall or flagpole (if outfall is closed)
SWTWG6 - Camp Creek outfall or flagpole (if outfall is closed) to Lakewood Drive Beach Access
SWTWG7 - Lakewood Drive Beach Access to One Seagrove Place beach access
SWTWG8 - One Seagrove Place beach access to Gardenia St. Neighborhood Beach Access or Whiskey Bravo
SWTWG9 - Gardenia St. Neighborhood Beach Access or Whiskey Bravo Restaurant to the eastern boundary of
Grayton State Park (West of Watercolor)
SWTWG10 – Grayton Beach
SWTW11 – Gulf Trace
SWTW12 – Grayton State Park (Western Boundary) to Blue Mountain Regional Beach Access (Hwy 83)
SWTW13 - Blue Mountain Regional Beach Access (Hwy 83) to Ed Walline Regional Beach Access (Hwy 393)
SWTW14 - Ed Walline Regional Beach Access (Hwy 393) to Stallworth Lake Outfall (Boundary of Topsail Hill
Preserve State Park)
SWTW15 - Topsail Hill Preserve State Park to Tang-O-Mar Road
SWTW16 - Tang-O-Mar Road to the walk up at Whale’s Tail
SWTW17 - Walk up at Whale’s Tail to the eastern most walkup at Pompano Joe’s (Miramar Regional Beach
SWTW18 - Eastern most walkup at Pompano Joe’s (Miramar Regional Beach Access) to Captain Dave’s walk
Text a message to 850-213-2516 or 81010. The message will be @SWTW or @SWTWG followed by the
number which corresponds to your section of interest. For example: If you want to be alerted when section 10
has been cleared each day, text @SWTWG10 to 850-213-2516 or 81010. Once you have submitted the text
message, you will receive a text confirmation for each section you sign up to receive an alert.
Or you can get an email alert by sending a blank email to Again, please be
aware you will be required to sign up for each, and every, section to receive alerts for each section.