dbuck said:
Kentucky Girl, I will probably get my butt kicked for saying this, oh well here goes, he may have to drive to Panama City.

There is Spinnakers and Club LaVela and I've forgotten the name of the beach club. (Too many years ago for me to remember).
Sorry everyone, but he is 19. I guess it really depends on the type of music he likes and if he wants to drive to Panama City, but he will have funn if he stays in SoWal and goes to Pandoras on Tuesday night and goes to 331 on Thursday night. Have funn. You will be down there with the rest of the Kentucky crew. I'm envious.
Yes, until they get 21, they drive to PCB, cruise, go to Club LaVela (sp?), and many of the females flash for beads. Driving to PCB is what my daughter did in the 18-20 year-old stage. She met her boyfriend (and I think future husband) during Spring Break 2005 when she was just 20. They had stopped at a gas station while cruising PCB, noticed that both cars had Georgia Tech stickers, and realized that her sorority house was across the street from his frat house. Then the crowd ended up at our house in Seagrove (which became Animal House) to party.

Thankfully the pool guy woke them up at the crack of dawn, made them with their hangovers get the beer cans and Silly String out of the pool, and came back in an hour to clean the pool.:funn:
I laid down the law after that - no more using our house if they didn't respect it, and I personally drove down to inspect it on the last day of their visits. They behaved, so I restored privileges.
Now that she turned 21 in January (and her boyfriend is a GT graduate working in the ATL), they cook at the beach house, have a few drinks, and act like respectable adults.
Those stages of life really happen fast.