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SoWal Insider
Oct 9, 2015
Are there any establishments in this area that offer play on snooker or at the least high quality nine foot pool tables. Not interested in coin-op bar tables. Due to age and eyesight not so much interested in playing anymore but more in watching some high skill level matches. YouTube is nice but not like live action.

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
Are there any establishments in this area that offer play on snooker or at the least high quality nine foot pool tables. Not interested in coin-op bar tables. Due to age and eyesight not so much interested in playing anymore but more in watching some high skill level matches. YouTube is nice but not like live action.

Just last month I looked into this sport after striking up a conversation with a fellow from Wales who was visiting here. I don't think we have anything like in anywhere near here. I believe the nearest spot for this is in Jacksonville :pissed:


SoWal Insider
Oct 9, 2015
Thanks. I've been around/worked in/hung out at pool halls all my life and after being here since 2007 I'm beginning to miss it. I know there are bar tables around but comparing bar tables to high end 4-1/2x9 pool or 6x12 snooker tables is like comparing chicken salad and chicken sh--- well you know what I mean.
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