Given some of the discussions about the future success/failure of businesses in SoWal, I found this report on the web that gives some insight into success/failure rates. This way, people who are interested in SoWal businesses can compare the business turnover in SoWal with the U.S. Census data. Of course, I realize that SoWal is different and special in many ways and that one can always critique statistics, the design of the study. the limitations of the study, and the relevance to SoWal (which is unique in some ways, but not in other ways), but at least this is a starting point, especially for small business owners.
The report makes the points that:
60% of small businesses were surviving at the end of 4 years
17% were closed and owners felt the closure was due to failure
33% were closed and owners felt the business was successful upon closing of the business
Of the businesses that closed after 4 years, many of the owners considered
themselves successful when they closed.
Good employees, sufficient starting capital, and educated owner are predictors of survival rates after 4 years
I wonder if anyone collects the business success/failure data for SoWal and how it compares to the census. Then we'd be able to see trends over time to see how businesses fare as the area gets more upscale development.
I'm not going to step into this discussion any further because other SoWal posters have much stronger opinions and more local information about this than I do, especially people who are locals in the area. But I thought some people, including current or potential business owners in the area, would find this report interesting and possibly useful in light of the discussion on minimum wage/the future of small businesses in SoWal on another thread. Other SoWal posters might enjoy finding the flaws in the report or it's relevance to SoWal as well!
The report makes the points that:
60% of small businesses were surviving at the end of 4 years
17% were closed and owners felt the closure was due to failure
33% were closed and owners felt the business was successful upon closing of the business
Of the businesses that closed after 4 years, many of the owners considered
themselves successful when they closed.
Good employees, sufficient starting capital, and educated owner are predictors of survival rates after 4 years
I wonder if anyone collects the business success/failure data for SoWal and how it compares to the census. Then we'd be able to see trends over time to see how businesses fare as the area gets more upscale development.
I'm not going to step into this discussion any further because other SoWal posters have much stronger opinions and more local information about this than I do, especially people who are locals in the area. But I thought some people, including current or potential business owners in the area, would find this report interesting and possibly useful in light of the discussion on minimum wage/the future of small businesses in SoWal on another thread. Other SoWal posters might enjoy finding the flaws in the report or it's relevance to SoWal as well!