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Beach Fanatic
May 27, 2009
Blue Mtn Beach!!
Is there a company that does concrete/cement/stucco type shower walls? Or has anyone done one themselves? The tile quote was very high - we are considering at DIY tile shower though....

Just looking at all options for walk in doorless shower. Budget considerations. Granite is out - so is Corian.

I'd like to be different and do something unique and nothing that looks grand - we are simple folk and I am not looking to resell this house - I want to build it for us in mind. Someone on a forum mentioned using the waterproof backerboard (of course) and then troweling on a surface and painting with Elastameric (sp?) I know I've seen concreted shower walls, but after an hour of googleing I haven't turned up much.

Thoughts or links to local assistance welcomed.


Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
I showed a house last week, which was custom built for a retired couple, who didn't care about resale because they were going to live in it until they died. (It was vacant, and they didn't die.) The house will need a miracle, or a lot of remodeling, in order to sell it. Even if you don't plan on selling it, it is best to consider the future ability to sell when building it.

Just the thought of the concrete shower being freezing cold in the winter time, would make me not want to get in the shower until spring. I also think it would be pricey to do concrete walls in a shower as you would likely have to pour them flat in sections, then move into shower and mount, which, depending on the size of the opening and the weight of the concrete, may require making many sections and piecing together. Also, concrete is porous so it could lead to mold problems behind the shower walls.

Uncle Timmy

Beach Fanatic
Nov 15, 2004
Blue Mountain Beach
Hmmm, interesting.

I guess the answer would have to do partially with what 'look' you were willing to achieve and the amount of labor you can do yourself but if you want the look of a concrete shower and are willing to try doing it yourself -

1) Install a quality waterproofing membrane. Available at Lowes or Home Depot and I would do a little research first -type in "shower waterproofing membrane" in any search engine and get up to speed on what products are out their and how to install them properly.

2) Install 1/2" Durock over the membrane to act as a substrate for the concrete.

3) Hand trowel (ie DIY) a stucco (high sand content) concrete mix over the Durock. You may consider using a waterproof concrete mix (also available at Lowes or HD) for extra protection but be aware that this mix sets up very quick and so you would need to work fast and only do small sections at a time.

4) Be aware that if you DIY, the finish will probably be uneven in both surface and color -this can look ok as long as you are comfortable with the 'hand finished' look.

5) Seal concrete after about 7 days with a sealer.

6) Concrete will crack slightly through thermal expansion, curring shrinkage, and movement of the underlying structure so you will need to re-apply a sealer every so often.

Let us know how it turns out if you try it.
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Beach Fanatic
May 27, 2009
Blue Mtn Beach!!
Glass blocks won't work I'm afraid as we are wanting something more earthy looking. Thx though. :D

It seems that concrete is the rage in many ways - concrete floors, countertops, etc...that's what got me thinking along these lines and aren't tiles pretty cold too? They sure seem so in this apartment when I walk on them w/out slippers.

I'm ok with a little of the homemade look to it. It adds charm and uniqueness. I have seen so many showers that look the same and are of the same usual material. Now that I think about it, for our house anyway (Energy Star home and much home spun to it) it might add to resale should it happen when we get too old to live there or we pass on - lol it won't be ours forever that's true. Who knows what will be "in" by then. So the more basic and classic the best. A design that is timeless...

Thanks for tips - I'm going to keep looking on internets and see what I come up with.... More than likely we will tile. Has anyone used LARGE tiles for their shower? Seems like less work and the look would be more like a "natural" stone shower..... the theme is Asian and with no fuss, very basic.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
Alot of people are doing large tiles in showers these days - 12x12, 18x18, large rectangles etc. Typically larger tile is cheaper.

It all depends on the shower, the tile selected, and MOST IMPORTANTLY where the joints go! Drives me nuts when you have large tile w/ the corner cut out and stuck back on to accommodate the fixtures. :bang:

Have you looked at a pre-fab acrylic or fiberglass enclosure? Not cheap, but might be an easy way to go.


Beach Fanatic
May 27, 2009
Blue Mtn Beach!!
Alot of people are doing large tiles in showers these days - 12x12, 18x18, large rectangles etc. Typically larger tile is cheaper.

It all depends on the shower, the tile selected, and MOST IMPORTANTLY where the joints go! Drives me nuts when you have large tile w/ the corner cut out and stuck back on to accommodate the fixtures. :bang:

Have you looked at a pre-fab acrylic or fiberglass enclosure? Not cheap, but might be an easy way to go.

Well the dimensions are not of the norm so like the one's at HD and Lowe's are out. We could order the Swanstone, just haven't seen that in person...

Man this house building is so full of decisions, but one by one they are getting done.

Agreed on tile placement. My dh and I are slightly OCD so placement MUST be just right or everytime I showered I'd be staring at the mistake. I can hone in on something not just right and it drives me nuts. A good/bad thing. I ordered a tile book that my friend used and maybe that will give us the courage to just do it. But still open to anyone w/more concrete or indoor stucco ideas. :D

Thanks SB.



Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
There is a great local company that is the first I had ever heard of doing this type of concrete. I am sure they would be happy to answer any questions you might have.


Darlene is my middle name, not my nickname
Dec 20, 2004
Lacey's Spring, Alabama
There is a great local company that is the first I had ever heard of doing this type of concrete. I am sure they would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

WOW....beautiful work. If I were building a house I would sure go this route.
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