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ProHealth SRB

Beach Lover
Jun 3, 2009
Hello SoWal

We’ve had a lot of folks calling about the Shingles Vaccine (Zostavax). If you’ve ever had chickenpox, the virus (Herpes Zoster) that causes it lies dormant in your nerve roots. In some cases the virus will stay dormant forever, but in others it can “awaken” when disease, stress, or aging weakens the immune system. If the virus becomes active again it can only cause shingles, not chickenpox. You can’t catch shingles from someone who has an active case, but if you have a shingles rash, it can be spread to another person who hasn’t had chickenpox or who hasn’t gotten the vaccine for chickenpox. Yes, there is a vaccine for chickenpox and it is readily available at any of our ProHealth locations.
The symptoms of shingles happen in stages. Initially you may have a headache or be sensitive to light. You might also have flu like symptoms without having a fever. A few days later you may feel an itching, tingling, or pain on one side of your body, usually but not limited to the torso. In that same area, a band, strip, or small area of rash may occur. The rash then may turn into clusters of blisters that may take 2-4 weeks to heal and could leave scars. Some people may only get a mild rash and sometimes no rash at all. On the other hand, some may experience long term pain. If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned initial symptoms, check with your physician. If caught early enough, there are medications that can be very effective in treating shingles. If the rash occurs on your face it could affect your vision, how well you think, or the rash could spread. If those symptoms occur, call your Dr. immediately. If you are at least 60 years old or older, the sooner you get the Zostavax vaccine the better your chances of protecting yourself against shingles. Talk to your physician to make sure the vaccine is right for you. If you’re a good candidate, give ProHealth a call and we’ll endeavor to keep you protected.
ProHealth SRB: 850-267-0360, FWB: 850-243-2900, Crestview: 850-626-3430. We also have locations in Milton, and Pensacola. Check us out on the web at prohealthexam.com
Be safe and take care!

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
Good to know, this vaccine is tough to find! Do you guys run varicella titers, because you can't imagine how many adults erroneously think they never had chicken pox?!

Ohio Girl

Beach Lover
Feb 13, 2006
Sagamore Hills OH
I would highly recommend this vaccine. I had shingles about 10 years ago and it was the worst pain I've ever experienced. It lasted for about 5 weeks ... 1st 2 weeks was severe pain on one side of my torso and the last 3 weeks I had to deal with a very nasty rash. You don't want to go through this if you don't have to.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
I am terrified of shingles. But I am not 60- don't people younger than 60 get shingles and why is vax only for people over 60?

And I did for sure have chicken pox. I remember every single calamine bath.:lol:


Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
JDarg, I want to know the same thing about the age. I had shingles in May, and it was awful. I would gladly have paid for the vaccination to keep away the misery.

ProHealth SRB

Beach Lover
Jun 3, 2009
If you are less then 50 years of age, check with your doctor to see if it's OK. Titers are blood draws that check your antibodies for certain viruses. We can do the Varicella (chicken pox) titer here at ProHeath, but having had chicken pox doesn't keep you from having shingles (see the original thread).We do have a limited amount of shingles vaccines left, so if you're interested call us at 850-267-0360 as soon as possible.
Take care and be safe.

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
The shingles vaccine has been approved for people 50 - 59 ... check with your doctor. I was only in my 40s when I got shingles.

This is a very recent development and has contributed to vaccine shortage. If someone had the cash to get the vaccine (I think it runs about $200-$250) I would suggest they get the shot...believe me that will seem like chump change if you develop zoster and have to deal with the pain. Since the lowered age guideline is so new, insurance may not cover the vaccine...I'm not sure that ProHealth files insurance, however, so it may not matter.

ProHealth SRB

Beach Lover
Jun 3, 2009
ProHealth does not file insurance for the Shingles vaccine but people have been filing their receipts with insurance and have had success with that. ProHealth charges $205 for the Shingles vaccine and it is well worth the cost.


Beach Fanatic
Sep 6, 2009
Blue Mountain Beach
This is a very recent development and has contributed to vaccine shortage. If someone had the cash to get the vaccine (I think it runs about $200-$250) I would suggest they get the shot...believe me that will seem like chump change if you develop zoster and have to deal with the pain. Since the lowered age guideline is so new, insurance may not cover the vaccine...I'm not sure that ProHealth files insurance, however, so it may not matter.

Shingles are awful! I have had them twice. Once many years ago in a very small spot and at the age of 53 I got them on my head!!!! It is awful and mine would not go away even with medicine. After about. 1 1/2 years and relocating to SoWal (due to stress), they are finally going away. I will be getting that shot the minute the last one is done. It is very, very painful not to mention the other symptoms that come along with it.
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