[FONT=&]Rosemary Beach Foundation and Shelter House Bring High Heeled Walk – “Walk Her Way” – to Rosemary Beach
| [FONT=&] Men, women and children of all ages are invited to don high heels for Walk Her Way at Rosemary Beach’s Town Center on Friday, June 15 starting at 5:30 pm. Sponsored by Rosemary Beach Foundation, this one-mile strut aims to raise awareness of domestic violence with a portion of proceeds benefiting Shelter House.[/FONT] |
[FONT=&]Are you man enough? Will you wear stilettos? Or do you prefer a wedge? Whatever your preference, sign up to Walk Her Way at www.walkherway.com. [/FONT]
[FONT=&]Walkers will be led around the square by a “second line” jazz band as they show off their favorite pair of high heels. The good time doesn’t stop when the walk ends. Stick around for the after-party featuring Heat and The Zydeco Gents.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]You are encouraged to decorate your shoes to reflect your style and personality. Heels will be available for purchase at the event and at packet pick-up the day before the walk. Team registrations are encouraged, and awards will be given for the team that raises the most money as well as those that have the best theme and best costumes. [/FONT]
[FONT=&]Advance registration is $30 for adults and $15 for children under 12 and includes a t-shirt. Registration the day of the walk will be an additional $5 per person. [/FONT]
[FONT=&]There will be a shoe drive from April 15 through May 15 with the primary goal of collecting large size high heels for our male participants to wear during the walk. We don’t want the gentlemen to be left out. Donations can be dropped off at the Shelter House office located at 102 Buck Drive in Fort Walton Beach or at participating stores in Rosemary Beach.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]Walk Her Way[/FONT][FONT=&] is not just a fun walk. It carries a serious message about respect and healthy relationships. Shelter House’s Clothesline Project, a touching exhibit that allows adult and child victims of domestic violence to tell their story through words and art, will be on display in Rosemary Beach leading up to and during the walk. [/FONT]
[/FONT] [FONT=&]"Shelter House is thrilled to partner with Rosemary Beach Foundation on this project. We hope Walk Her Way will raise awareness about domestic violence in our community in a unique and fun way,” said Michelle Sperzel, Executive Director of Shelter House. “At a glance, shoes can illustrate a woman's style, confidence, personality and even socioeconomic status. They are a great symbol to represent women, and 90% of victims of domestic violence are women. We look forward to seeing all the shoes that men, women and children wear at this event that show their personalities as they walk a mile to stand against domestic violence." [/FONT]
[FONT=&]The walk will benefit Shelter House, the domestic violence center serving Okaloosa and Walton counties and Rosemary Beach Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting cultural, educational, literary and other charitable activities in Rosemary Beach and Northwest Florida.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]Sponsorships are available by calling Malayne DeMars at 850-231-7382. [/FONT]