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Beach Comber
Oct 13, 2006
I have tried to teach myself to sew some simple skirts/blouses/cover ups since receiving a sewing machine as a gift last year (I requested it - thought it would be cool to find funky/vintage fabric and create some unique, casual outfits).

However, it's been much harder than I thought! Does anyone know someone that may be willing to teach a few classes on the basics? I searched sowal for past threads but didn't really come across anything.



Beach Lover
Sep 4, 2008

I haven't sewn in years, but it's something you don't forget. If you don't find anyone to help, I can give you some basics knowledge. I actually just got a new machine for Christmas since I will be a 1st time grandmother to a baby girl in April.

florida girl

Beach Fanatic
Feb 3, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach
I've done a lot of sewing, and their are basic fundimentals when sewing anything. Keep it simple is good particularly when first starting. For a top, start at the shoulder seams, then neckline, then sleeves, then side seams. I don't use pins, I use a seam guide, when sewing. Always consider nap, and make sure when cutting the pattern is straight on the material. There should be a line on the pattern to match up with the fabric. I learned a nifty little hem trick for many different garments, done completely on the machine. My great aunt taught me years ago, and unfortunately, she wasn't mechanical, and she seamed to make it more difficult than it actually was. I labored through it though, and made adjustments as I went. Start with something that you wouldn't mind messing up, and practise.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I believe they offer sewing classes over at the Senior Center in PCB.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 10, 2006
Point Washington
BB, check with some of the sewing machine dealers in the area. Some of the best are:

Lynn's Sewing Center, FWB
Margie's Sew Much Fun, Crestview
Quilting by the Bay, PCB

These are all super, super people who want to help. Margie's caters to garment sewing a little more than the others.

Lynn's has a "Beginning Sewing" class, you make a pair of pj's:


You didn't say what brand your machine is, but you may want to find a dealer for that brand - it doesn't matter that much, though.
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