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SoWal Staff

Serving the Community!
Apr 14, 2006
South Walon, FL
Romantic Fools by Rich Orloff

The Seaside REP Theatre presents Romantic Fools, consisting of 12, two-character comedies examining love, lust, dating, and romance — from a date with a caveman (Find Me a Primitive Man) to the joys of dull sex (One Man’s Secret Desire) to the surprise frustrations of having a perfect mate (The Stepford Guy).

With influences of Monty Python, Saturday Night Live, Jules Feiffer, the Marx Brothers, and classic vaudeville comedy, these sketches vary in style but all celebrate the inherent comedy of male-female relationships.

Opening night is Wednesday OCT 2 - stay tuned for info on reception, etc!

Show dates:
Wed OCT 2 - Fri OCT 4
Industry Off Night Tue OCT 8
Thu OCT 10 - Sat OCT 12
Wed Oct 16 - Sat Oct 19
Wed Oct 23 - Fri Oct 25

7:30pm at the Seaside Meeting Hall Theater
Tickets $30

Buy tickets online
at www.seasiderep.org or at Amavida in Seaside or Roseamry Beach.

“Orloff’s writing is sharp. He has an easy way with humor, and it’s more knowing than most of what passes for comedy in the theater today.” The New York Times calls his plays “wildly imaginative” and raves about his “daffy sense of humor”.

“A side-splitting new comedy. You’ll ache from non-stop laughing.”
Show Business Weekly

“A refreshing and witty take on romance. I laughed a lot, and so did everyone else.”
Louisville Observer



SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Romantic Fools Opening Night Pre-Party!

Join us at Pizitz Home and Cottage on October 2 for our Opening Night Pre-Party at 6:30pm for
complementary desserts and champagne!

Thank you Chanticleer Bakery and Emerald Coast Wine and Spirits!

Click here for tickets

Tickets can also be purchased at the door the night of the show, at Amavida Coffee or by calling 231-0733.
Doors open at 7pm.

Get your tickets for another great Seaside Rep Theatre production...



SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
SPECIAL PROMOTION for the new play "Romantic Fools" at The Rep. Show opens this week, Wednesday, October 2 at 7:30pm! It's funny and you need to come! If you purchase your tickets before Tuesday you will receive $10 off the ticket price. For more information and tickets go to seasiderep.org, to get $10 off, enter the code "earlybird" or call 231-0733.

Don't miss the opening night pre party at Pizitz Home and Cottage at 6:30pm on Oct. 2 for complementary desserts and champagne before the show! Thank you Pizitz Home & Cottage, Chanticleer Bakery & Eatery and Emerald Coast Wine & Spirits!
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