Attention Locals, Friends, Cyclists, Vets, Neighbors, Athletes, Music-Loving-Beer Drinkers...
Big Daddy's Bike Shop is thrilled to welcome Zack Garner and Adam Smith to South Walton, Fla. The Green Beret Adventure Team is cycling 4,600 miles across America on their Ride to Valhalla to raise awareness about Traumatic Brain Injuries and Post Traumatic Stress in our military.. Our friends at Big Daddy's are planning a big party which will take place at the Bike Shop in Blue Mountain Beach on Friday, Oct. 30 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Ride to Valhalla Victory Celebration welcomes Zach Garner and Adam Smith as their bicycle journey across the country comes to the finish line in South Walton, Florida. Come out and welcome the Green Beret Adventure Team and get in on the action to support their mission for Task Force Dagger Foundation.
Local cyclists are invited to join Zach and Adam on the last stretch of the ride beginning at Rosemary Beach at 1:00 p.m. and continuing down Scenic Hwy 30A to Big Daddy's in Blue Mountain Beach, just in time for the big Victory Celebration lasting all afternoon til 5:00 p.m.
Before the party, you can show support by purchasing $10 raffle tickets for a chance to win an Electra Lux1 Beach Cruiser (men's or women's) to be raffled off Oct. 30. All proceeds go to The Green Beret Adventure Team Task Force Dagger Foundation. Winner will be announced Friday, October 30 at the Ride to Valhalla Victory Celebration. Stop by Big Daddy's to get your raffle tickets now through Oct 30.
Big Daddy's Bike Shop is donating 10% of all proceeds from sales on October 30, so come out and shop local for a new bike, bike accessories, repair and rentals.
The Ride to Valhalla Victory Celebration on Friday starts at will feature food from local restaurants, beer from Idyll Hounds Brewing Company, music by Max McCann, and friends gathering under the tents in the parking lot in front of Big Daddy's.
Win this bike!
Zach and Adam started their Ride to Valhalla in Seattle on a mission to raise awareness for Task Force Dagger Foundation, a United States Army Special Operations Command based organization dedicated to providing assistance to all wounded, ill, or injured members and their families and the families of casualties of the U.S. Special Operations Command.
The purpose of their journey is to raise awareness and money for a cause that is close to their hearts. Their commitment and drive is aimed to help soldiers suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). You can donate directly to this campaign on Crowdrise | Ride to Valhalla.
"As I stated planning this and getting the word out that I was going to be riding a bicycle 4,500 miles to raise money and awareness for vets, people were hooked. They wanted to know more and they wanted to help! I started to realize that might be my calling in life. I called up a guy that that I knew would want a piece of this action and told him to quit his job and move into my basement...Adam Smith: Co-Founder of the Green Beret Adventure Team.." Read more at Ride to Valhalla Story at Task Force Dagger Foundation.
The Green Beret Adventure Team (Zach and Adam) recently posted on their Facebook page, "We are getting close to Florida, which means it's almost time to celebrate the miles we've ridden and the adventures we've had...and Big Daddy's Bike Shop is just the place to do it! Join us!"
The Ride to Valhalla Victory Celebration will be held on Friday, October 30 at Big Daddy's Bike Shop in the High Point Plaza in Blue Mountain Beach (2217 West Hwy. 30A in Santa Rosa Beach). Please join us in the celebration. There will be a bike raffle, food, drink and music. Donations welcome.
Facebook Post
When Zack began planning this ride his wife Lindsey challenged him to 'make it count.' Not only is this ride about raising funds and awareness for the Task Force Dagger Foundation, but it's about the personal journey of healing, growth, and connecting with the community.
So now we are asking you to help us make it count. Spread the word, donate if you can, and above all, challenge yourself every day to grow and make it count.
Facebook Post | Sept 19, 2015
Dallas officially marks the halfway point of this adventure. We've pedaled over 2,300 miles through 7 states, slept in at least 30 different campsites, have changed more than 15 flat tires, and have ridden in one homecoming parade.
More important than all of that combined are all of the wonderful people that we have met and shared stories with along the way. These moments and connections make the long days on the road, and time away from our families, worthwhile.
Please keep sharing our story, and yours, as we continue to make our way across the country raising funds and awareness for the Task Force Dagger Foundation.
October 19, 2015
After 79 days and over 4100 miles we officially reached the Atlantic Ocean yesterday afternoon in Wilmington, NC. We're two days into the final leg of this amazing journey. Ready or not, Florida, we're on our way!
Follow The Green Beret Adventure Team on Facebook on their way to SoWal!
Big Daddy's Bike Shop is thrilled to welcome Zack Garner and Adam Smith to South Walton, Fla. The Green Beret Adventure Team is cycling 4,600 miles across America on their Ride to Valhalla to raise awareness about Traumatic Brain Injuries and Post Traumatic Stress in our military.. Our friends at Big Daddy's are planning a big party which will take place at the Bike Shop in Blue Mountain Beach on Friday, Oct. 30 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Ride to Valhalla Victory Celebration welcomes Zach Garner and Adam Smith as their bicycle journey across the country comes to the finish line in South Walton, Florida. Come out and welcome the Green Beret Adventure Team and get in on the action to support their mission for Task Force Dagger Foundation.
Local cyclists are invited to join Zach and Adam on the last stretch of the ride beginning at Rosemary Beach at 1:00 p.m. and continuing down Scenic Hwy 30A to Big Daddy's in Blue Mountain Beach, just in time for the big Victory Celebration lasting all afternoon til 5:00 p.m.
Before the party, you can show support by purchasing $10 raffle tickets for a chance to win an Electra Lux1 Beach Cruiser (men's or women's) to be raffled off Oct. 30. All proceeds go to The Green Beret Adventure Team Task Force Dagger Foundation. Winner will be announced Friday, October 30 at the Ride to Valhalla Victory Celebration. Stop by Big Daddy's to get your raffle tickets now through Oct 30.
Big Daddy's Bike Shop is donating 10% of all proceeds from sales on October 30, so come out and shop local for a new bike, bike accessories, repair and rentals.
The Ride to Valhalla Victory Celebration on Friday starts at will feature food from local restaurants, beer from Idyll Hounds Brewing Company, music by Max McCann, and friends gathering under the tents in the parking lot in front of Big Daddy's.
Win this bike!
Zach and Adam started their Ride to Valhalla in Seattle on a mission to raise awareness for Task Force Dagger Foundation, a United States Army Special Operations Command based organization dedicated to providing assistance to all wounded, ill, or injured members and their families and the families of casualties of the U.S. Special Operations Command.
The purpose of their journey is to raise awareness and money for a cause that is close to their hearts. Their commitment and drive is aimed to help soldiers suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). You can donate directly to this campaign on Crowdrise | Ride to Valhalla.
"As I stated planning this and getting the word out that I was going to be riding a bicycle 4,500 miles to raise money and awareness for vets, people were hooked. They wanted to know more and they wanted to help! I started to realize that might be my calling in life. I called up a guy that that I knew would want a piece of this action and told him to quit his job and move into my basement...Adam Smith: Co-Founder of the Green Beret Adventure Team.." Read more at Ride to Valhalla Story at Task Force Dagger Foundation.
The Green Beret Adventure Team (Zach and Adam) recently posted on their Facebook page, "We are getting close to Florida, which means it's almost time to celebrate the miles we've ridden and the adventures we've had...and Big Daddy's Bike Shop is just the place to do it! Join us!"
The Ride to Valhalla Victory Celebration will be held on Friday, October 30 at Big Daddy's Bike Shop in the High Point Plaza in Blue Mountain Beach (2217 West Hwy. 30A in Santa Rosa Beach). Please join us in the celebration. There will be a bike raffle, food, drink and music. Donations welcome.

Facebook Post
When Zack began planning this ride his wife Lindsey challenged him to 'make it count.' Not only is this ride about raising funds and awareness for the Task Force Dagger Foundation, but it's about the personal journey of healing, growth, and connecting with the community.
So now we are asking you to help us make it count. Spread the word, donate if you can, and above all, challenge yourself every day to grow and make it count.

Facebook Post | Sept 19, 2015
Dallas officially marks the halfway point of this adventure. We've pedaled over 2,300 miles through 7 states, slept in at least 30 different campsites, have changed more than 15 flat tires, and have ridden in one homecoming parade.
More important than all of that combined are all of the wonderful people that we have met and shared stories with along the way. These moments and connections make the long days on the road, and time away from our families, worthwhile.
Please keep sharing our story, and yours, as we continue to make our way across the country raising funds and awareness for the Task Force Dagger Foundation.

October 19, 2015
After 79 days and over 4100 miles we officially reached the Atlantic Ocean yesterday afternoon in Wilmington, NC. We're two days into the final leg of this amazing journey. Ready or not, Florida, we're on our way!

Follow The Green Beret Adventure Team on Facebook on their way to SoWal!
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