They are closing on January 31, so if you want some of their lighting fixtures or towel bars at a discount, grab them now.
Story from one of their employees is that business was good- sales were more than 30% of what the company had been hoping for. But they opened the clearance center stores because the third party company that manages their catalog warehouse and return operations told them they had an insane amount of standing inventory they needed to liquidate, and that third party company somehow ended up significantly overstating what the real liquidation inventory was.
So now they've got all these stores and not enough inventory to keep stocking them, so corporate decided they were going to get rid of the clearance center stores and just shift remaining warehouse stock to their general outlet stores. (The nearest of which is in, sigh, north Georgia)
Apparently the low inventory means no huge blowout sales are planned, they'll just transfer what's left in Destin to othergeneral outlet stores that are remaining open.