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Sep 10, 2008
Miramar Beach
Can anyone recomend a good company with fair prices? I need some repair work on my home irrigation system.


Beach Fanatic
Mar 1, 2008
Eastern Lake Est., SoWal, FL
Could you consider just leaving it off? Let the sprinkler system die and RIP. If a plant dies, replace it with a native plant that requires little water. Runoff into our coastal dune lakes, bays, lakes, streams and the gulf is a huge problem. The less you water and fertilize, the better our water quality will be. You might just save some money, too.


Beach Fanatic
Dec 5, 2004
Bluewater Bay, FL
A lot of neighborhood deed restrictions require that you have something of a lawn, and we get too many drought cycles to really to au naturel. Though there are a number of grass types like St. Augustine that require pretty minimal care other than making sure they're wet on a regular basis. (If you fertilize Augie more than three times a year, you're overdoing it)


Beach Lover
Jan 26, 2008
Could you consider just leaving it off? Let the sprinkler system die and RIP. If a plant dies, replace it with a native plant that requires little water. Runoff into our coastal dune lakes, bays, lakes, streams and the gulf is a huge problem. The less you water and fertilize, the better our water quality will be. You might just save some money, too.

:roll: - I really didn't want to get involved here, seriously.

DuneLaker - Environmentally, what do you suggest people who want (need) a garden in sowal do about this huge problem? I guess I'm assuming you eat food too. I use organic fertilizer (just cause I don't like eating petroleum if I can help it), but fruits and vegetables sure do grow better with water. And I'm all for rain collection and reuse for watering a garden. Heck, the easiest way is to store that rain water in the ground and use an irrigation pump to bring it back up and reuse!

Should we start writing laws (more laws) limiting home gardening? (talk about pitchforks and torches!) Lets lose our jobs, decrease the value of our homes, raise the price of gas and food, increase all insurances - then forge ahead to save mother earth!


Beach Fanatic
Mar 1, 2008
Eastern Lake Est., SoWal, FL
I understand rain barrels are a great solution to watering lawns in a pinch as well as gardens. Eastern Lake Nursery might have some more information on this. A person who used to work at this nursery, now in Atlanta, is doing quite a bit of work installing rain barrels. We have a number of very qualified gardeners who might add some depth and perspective to this conversation. I love gardens and highly recommend them. Seems on another thread somewhere on this topic it was mentioned that many lawns will snap back, even if they go brown for a time during a dry spell. I have some grass that has invaded my yard from the neighbors and I never water it and it won't go away.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
There's a big difference between adding some water to a food garden as needed for good yield and an irrigation system running daily to keep non-native and non-food species alive and watering the streets, sidewalks, and house in the process. :roll:


Beach Lover
Jan 26, 2008
There's a big difference between adding some water to a food garden as needed for good yield and an irrigation system running daily to keep non-native and non-food species alive and watering the streets, sidewalks, and house in the process. :roll:

I concur - :blush:


Sep 10, 2008
Miramar Beach
Could you consider just leaving it off? Let the sprinkler system die and RIP. If a plant dies, replace it with a native plant that requires little water. Runoff into our coastal dune lakes, bays, lakes, streams and the gulf is a huge problem. The less you water and fertilize, the better our water quality will be. You might just save some money, too.

No. The system pumps water from a deep well and the rate is maintained by a lawn service company committed to using the least amount of water and fertilizer to maintain the lawn. The system has been off all fall and winter and only runs during the hottest part of the year. I am installing a swimming pool and actually reducing the amount of lawn by 50%.

I'm sure we could all point out how each and every one of us could do more for the environment such as buying more fuel efficient vehicles or disposing of them all together and riding a bike, turning off the AC, stop using any type of chemical cleaners etc.

I'm just trying to repair my irrigation system.


Beach Crab
Aug 15, 2009
Mr Sprinkler

I could reccomend myself! I only do sprinkler/irrigation repair. Give me a call. 850-747-1999.
A happy healthy yard that is properly watered and cared for results in much lower pollution runoff - dry spots are not efficient and increase the amount of chemicals used on it reasulting in more runoff. This is a result of being weak due to improper irrigation that can attract infestations that then affect the environment around it - especially your mood. "Proper" irrigation is good. It is always a good idea consider native plants. The more each and every one of us can do this the greater the chance we have of keeping this great habitat.
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