Peaden. Their technicians have brains and won't make incorrect guesses regarding a problem, thus not requiring further service calls and more expense. Hubby always quizzes the technicians when they come out to make sure they know what they're doing (he approves). It's the engineer in him.
Scott Gallager!! He's local and reliable. Last Summer he came out on a Saturday morning so we would not have to suffer till Monday. Didn't charge a travel fee like some others around here. 850-865-8264
Scott Gallager!! He's local and reliable. Last Summer he came out on a Saturday morning so we would not have to suffer till Monday. Didn't charge a travel fee like some others around here. 850-865-8264
I second this nomination. He replaced my AC unit last year. Scott is a straight arrow eagle scout type . . . clean courteous, efficient, fair, and a licensed plumber also.