I am thinking about a different kind of holiday feast from the traditional fare for Christmas Day, since we will be at the beach this year. I wonder if anyone has ideas and recipes for some tasty regional cooking that will feed a holiday crowd? I would really appreciate input on this. My father, who has been gone for 25 years now, gave us a wonderful tradition for Christmas morning breakfast and it's one that we've lost along the way. He loved to cook un-traditional breakfast foods on Christmas morning. Quail on toast or on a waffle was one dish and we also had scalloped oysters another year. Then there were all kinds of things like coffee cake and cafe au lait (practically unheard of then), and one year we had what he called "breakfast spaghetti," which was another practically unheard of dish, otherwise known as carbonara! One year, we even had Coca Cola warmed in a mug--not bad. We're not trying to create a new tradition this year or even revive that old one. But I want to do something different, amusing, and delicious. Thanks for suggestions!