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I am looking for a good radar detector. I googled and didn't have much luck. I looked on Consumer Reports online with no success. I pay for that subscription -- it is pretty useless.

It would really be nice to have a combo GPS navigation with radar detector, but they don't get good reviews in the navigation aspect.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Beach Bimmer

Beach Fanatic
May 2, 2006
South Walton
Valentine One...

Passport 9500 i or ix...

We have a BMW M3 in the family that has the Valentine One...if you read up on it, take it from us, the arrows will absolutely save you from a ticket...

Hope that helps!


SoWal Insider
Apr 18, 2007
Never had one. Get speeding tickets all the time.

Might git a Citizens Band Radio, though.

Will B

Jan 5, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Don't bother with one that has laser detection. In order to register, it has to get hit which means that it will be really good at telling you when you're going to get pulled over rather than warning you against getting pulled over. No latent light from lasers. It's either on you or not.


Beach Lover
Jul 28, 2008
Set your cruise 5 over and save yourself lots of $$. Had a very nice officer let me go, after being nailed at 20 over, at the Hathaway bridge 2 yrs ago, Oct. And, with my radar device on. Not worth it.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
I remember reading an article on detectors which informed users of radar detectors how to use them effectively. Drive a bit behind, but within eye sight of another speeder. When the cop hits the radar after seeing a speeder, the one hit hits will be the driver in front and your detector will alert, so that you can slow. They noted that most cops don't keep the radar on, because that would alert the radar detector drivers.

I just try to stay within the speed limit, or if on the open, clear highway, I might drive 8 over. I think I got two speeding tickets in my life, both 20 over (45 in a 25 which was rather ridiculous), but those were before I was 19 years old.
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