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Beach Lover
Jul 14, 2008
Dune Allen
Since we are still somewhat new to the area, I need a recommendation. I am looking for a Pediatrician for our 3 children 2 girls and 1 boy. Please let me know who you recommend, what general area they are located and why you recommend.

Thank you very much!

Just Curious

Beach Fanatic
Apr 22, 2009
Since we are still somewhat new to the area, I need a recommendation. I am looking for a Pediatrician for our 3 children 2 girls and 1 boy. Please let me know who you recommend, what general area they are located and why you recommend.

Thank you very much!

We use Dr. Allen at White Wilson Medical Center, off of Airport Rd. in Destin. The waiting room can get a little crazy, but I think that is at any pediatrician's office. I am very careful who I trust and use as a doctor, and Dr. Allen has been great. Sorry I don't know the number. Good Luck.


Beach Fanatic
Sep 4, 2009
Go see Dr. Sprinkle! She is amazing....she is at White Wilson at the same location as Dr. Allen.

Dr. Allen was my daughter's first pediatrician. She developed asthma at an early age and kept developing Croup, and what he was doing for her wasn't helping and we had to keep returning and he just brushed me of every time I tried to speak to him. I had had enough, so I switched to Dr. Sprinkle and she doesn't rush you out the door to get to the next patient, she takes her time, always asks the parents questions, and takes the time to get to know your family. My children absolutely love her.
Both Dr. Allen and Dr. Spenkle are GREAT! I generally use Dr. Allen because he is who I first started my 7 year old with when she was an infant but I also use Sprenkle. They are both very helpful and honest. I highly recommend them.

And yes- the waiting room can get crazy but the doctors and their nursing staff are highly worth it!

Just Curious

Beach Fanatic
Apr 22, 2009
Go see Dr. Sprinkle! She is amazing....she is at White Wilson at the same location as Dr. Allen.

Dr. Allen was my daughter's first pediatrician. She developed asthma at an early age and kept developing Croup, and what he was doing for her wasn't helping and we had to keep returning and he just brushed me of every time I tried to speak to him. I had had enough, so I switched to Dr. Sprinkle and she doesn't rush you out the door to get to the next patient, she takes her time, always asks the parents questions, and takes the time to get to know your family. My children absolutely love her.

That's funny, we had a similar but opposite situation. I think it was Dr. Spenkle(Sprinkle), but I could be wrong. We used her at first, but switched to Dr. Allen. They are both good, just depends on the family.

Is Dr. Spenkle the Gators fan? Maybe that is why I didn't like her. :D
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Beach Comber
Mar 8, 2008
I have 3 children and have been to a few in Destin, but on a recommendation we now see Dr. Azam in Panama City. She is in PCB on Thursday mornings only. She takes her time and addresses every concern, even if you have a question about a child that is not scheduled to be seen that day. She is wonderful with the kids and is intelligent and thorough. She will not brush off concerns and she follows up with each concern. The only con is the main office is in PC, and if you go to that office sometimes there is a longer wait on Mondays and Fridays. I just schedule for Thursdays and have always had a short wait time.

Camp Creek Kid

Christini Zambini
Feb 20, 2005
Seacrest Beach
We see Dr. Fitzharris. She is great and the office is run well (no long waits). Her office is on Mack Bayou across from the hospital. 850-278-3920

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
We see Dr. Fitzharris. She is great and the office is run well (no long waits). Her office is on Mack Bayou across from the hospital. 850-278-3920

Agreed. Also, Dr Viatore joined her practice back in the summer;he is an older pediatrician who recently moved to the area from Clearwater to be near his family. Since his practice is new, there are plenty of openings for new patients. For what it is worth, they both have privledges at Sacred Heart Hospital;none of the other providers listed above do. Their office is right next to Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Hospital, just a few miles from the west end of 30-A on HWY 98.
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