Hi! We are part time residents of 30A area and planning wedding for my daughter. So many great memories of family times in area that we've decided to have wedding here. Would love suggestions for wedding planners, venues, etc. Thanks
Seaside, Rosemary Beach and WaterColor all have wedding packages that are very popular. Bentley's On The Bay does a great job planning, providing services, and venues. Bentley's on the Bay Wedding and Event Venue
From Cheri on another thread:
Hibiscus in Grayton is now offering our grounds and Inn for a few weddings a year.... visit out site at Hibiscus Coffee & Guest House: Bed & Breakfast and Vegetarian Cafe, Grayton Beach, Florida and our facebook page for pics .....hibiscus guesthouse weddings and events.
You can reach me by phone at 850. 231-2733 (Cheri)