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mikecat adjuster

Beach Fanatic
Oct 18, 2007
As some of you may know, I've had problems with my Olympus Stylus 850 camera and have not had access to it for almost two months. I just got it back on Friday and went with my kids to the beach on Saturday. It broke again.

This will be the forth time I will be sending it back, each time I received the camera after 'being fixed' I met with the same result, a non-working camera. Once it did not work right out of the box, the other times it went bad after initial use.

I have missed out on opportunities, some amazing sites that could have been captured on film, and two amazing visits from my kids that have not been able to be captured by camera, which greatly upsets me.

I have begged Olympus to just give me a working camera and although they have been cordial, they have not provided me with my request. I personally wonder if they are fixing the consequence of the problem and maybe a seal is the issue.

I will talk with them Monday and feel like they should send me a working, upgrade camera (I think the 850 is no longer available), brand spanking new. I think they should overnight the camera and allow me to send my failed camera back in the same box.

I am just sick of dealing with this. I've previously even sent them some messages I'd received from people who enjoyed my vidoes and were equally disappointed that I hadn't been able to make mini-movies. I only hope that Monday will have a different result.

Cross your fingers for me :dunno:


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
How long did you own the camera before it broke?

Where did you purchase the camera? How much did you pay? Do you still have the receipt?

Did they charge you for shipping/repair of the camera any of the 4 times you sent it to be "repaired?"


Beach Fanatic
Apr 8, 2009
Hopefully you did not send them my note about taking out their kneecaps? ;-)

This particular camera sounds like a lemon. They need to buck up and replace this camera or supply a refund to you. I wouldnt back down. They're going to tell you to send it back in for repair tomorrow. Make sure you get to management, someone who could make this decision, as opposed to customer service who are going to be nice and friendly but only have limited authority.

Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Good Luck. Cant wait to see the photos and videos from the second sandbar by next Saturday!

mikecat adjuster

Beach Fanatic
Oct 18, 2007
How long did you own the camera before it broke?

Where did you purchase the camera? How much did you pay? Do you still have the receipt?

Did they charge you for shipping/repair of the camera any of the 4 times you sent it to be "repaired?"

I purchased the camera from B and H photography, online, and had the camera for a few months prior to sending it in. B and H has a one month in-store warranty which was past, but Olympus has a one year warranty. By now I guess I've had the camera about 6 months. (The last two months I've been without)

I have the receipt which was necessary when I first sent the camera in for repairs. I paid shipping twice and the last time they paid for it. This will be the forth time. I was suppose to get a call back from a 'manager' the last time but never got the call.

I don't want to do battle, as I am tired. But believe me, I never feel comfortable being walked on and my fight or flight syndrome will kick in. Oh, and it won't be flight.

The worst part is that in my current existence I have been getting my Maslownian needs met, the Belongingness and self-worth/esteem ones, by shooting and sharing these videos. I have seen so much that I wish I could have put into digital eternity. Some amazing things, including special moments with my kids that exist only in my brain cell depleted mind.

Anyway, thanks for the responses. Gotta go.


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
I purchased the camera from B and H photography, online, and had the camera for a few months prior to sending it in. B and H has a one month in-store warranty which was past, but Olympus has a one year warranty. By now I guess I've had the camera about 6 months. (The last two months I've been without)

I have the receipt which was necessary when I first sent the camera in for repairs. I paid shipping twice and the last time they paid for it. This will be the forth time. I was suppose to get a call back from a 'manager' the last time but never got the call.

I don't want to do battle, as I am tired. But believe me, I never feel comfortable being walked on and my fight or flight syndrome will kick in. Oh, and it won't be flight.

The worst part is that in my current existence I have been getting my Maslownian needs met, the Belongingness and self-worth/esteem ones, by shooting and sharing these videos. I have seen so much that I wish I could have put into digital eternity. Some amazing things, including special moments with my kids that exist only in my brain cell depleted mind.

Anyway, thanks for the responses. Gotta go.

Make it a point to get FULL names and numbers (employee numbers if they've got them) of the folks you're dealing with.

When you make a request to talk to the manager and they say, "he'll call you back." Always ask, "What's the manager's full name? and when can I expect his call today?" If he doesn't call by that time, you call again, and again if necessary.

Always address the folks you speak to by their name (Thanks for your help "Bob," I'll be expecting to hear from "Jim Jones" <the manager> by 3 O'clock.)

Even though you're pizzed, always assume the new folks you speak to are hearing your complaint for the very first time (because they are). When you explain to them your problem, use the dates & times you shipped and received the camera; use the dates, times, and NAMES of all the folks you've previously talked to; and--this is KEY--write down the date, time and name of the people you are presently talking to so you can add them to your "Conga-line of Complications." If you get "angry" with these new folks, who probably are just another in the line of Phone Monkeys, you're not going to help your cause.

You're right in providing them with a solution to your problem (a new camera)--but the overnight shipping thing is a bit over-the-top.

I think you'll have to jump through a few more hoops before you get to the "manager" over the phone who'll have the ability to send you a brand new camera (without overnight shipping).

If you do reach the "manager" and he doesn't say the right words to satisfy you; calmly say, "Look Jim, I guess you aren't in a position to help me with this problem--so I'm just going to compile the timeline of all my attempts to get this product fixed, along with all my conversations with you Bob, Mary and Gilligan (remember--USE NAMES!) at the call center and include them in a letter to the company headquarters in Center Valley, PA--I'm sure someone there should be able to remedy this situation.

I reckon they'll ask for "one more chance" to fix the camera--it's up to you at this point to try again or say "enough." Then either send it again or follow through with writing to the company (I suggest registered snail mail--NOT email) and include all the dates, times, and NAMES and employee numbers, as well as your recommendations for a solution (without the overnight shipping). Don't get heavy into the emotion, "I missed my kids photos" stuff--stick more along the lines of why you liked the PRODUCT, why you selected the PRODUCT, and how disappointed your were in the PRODUCT.

In the meantime--get a backup camera for the happy snaps with the kids.


ONE MORE QUESTION: Is the camera "rebreaking" when you're attempting to use in underwater?



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mikecat adjuster

Beach Fanatic
Oct 18, 2007
I actually have gotten a generous offer to trade out for a camera of similar underwater capabilities, an upgrade actually. I just feel Olympus should make this right, but after talking to them on Monday I will consider all options.

You make good points, Shelly. I always speak to the 'employees' as 'people' who are basically just there doing a job and do use there names. They have no interests in being my enemy. I think it will work out somehow. But I could, as you say, have more of a paper trail of names and instances etc. to demonstrate that I am taking this seriously and putting things to record.

You mind is sharp in these matters.
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