Please remember to call the billing department and ask for a credit for the downtime experienced today here in Sowal. If you don't hit them in the pocketbook, they will not pay attention.
Please remember to call the billing department and ask for a credit for the downtime experienced today here in Sowal. If you don't hit them in the pocketbook, they will not pay attention.
good luck on that, it was a fiber cut coming out of Albany, GA...nothing here that could be locally fixed. 12,000 people, not just here in SoWal. were out of internet and some HDs. blame the careless construction crew up in GA, not MediaCOM!
not in 1964, just understand the fundamentals fiber optics, which is what was cut. it could happen in any cable system. I'm not here to argue, I've just never had an issue with Mediacom and their in house techs.Doesn't matter. As long as MediaCom relies on a single point of failure system for 12,000 customers, I will ask for a credit. I've heard variations on that "construction crew in Albany" story (once it was in Valdosta, once in was in Monticello) too many times. It's always some clown with a backhoe, not them.
GET A BACKUP ROUTE, FTLOG, what are you, in 1964? Redundancy is not a luxury when you're making this much money off of being an ISP.