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hi! we are moving to santa rosa beach on feb. 1 and sooooo excited! my girls have a really high far sighted prescription, my 8 year old is even in bifocals. can anyone suggest the best hospital i might start looking for an eye doctor, or just one outside of a hospital. (not an optometrist) we would even drive 30 min. or so, thanks!!! carolyn
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Matt J

May 9, 2007
I would contact Sacred Heart. If they don't have one they can probably direct you in the right direction. You'll probably have to drive to PCB or even as far as Pensacola.

Sacred Heart:
7800 U.S. Hwy. 98 West; Miramar Beach, FL 32550 | Tel (850) 278-3000 | Toll Free 1-866-591-3600



Beach Fanatic
May 17, 2007
Santa Rosa Beach
My daughters ped. opth. is in Pensacola. I thought I'd heard that Dr. Poppell & Dr Alabata's office was getting one though. Not sure if that went through. Try them first. If they didn't get one then you may have to drive to Pensacola as well. (to Dr. Redmond).

Good luck!


Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
check with Dr. Priscilla Fowler, MD 850 6220757 or www.destinophthalmology.com; not sure about pediatrics, but she is a fantastic family ophthalmologist and she is affiliated with Sacred Heart in Miramar Beach.

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
check with Dr. Priscilla Fowler, MD 850 6220757 or www.destinophthalmology.com; not sure about pediatrics, but she is a fantastic family ophthalmologist and she is affiliated with Sacred Heart in Miramar Beach.

Dr Fowler just had her baby a few weeks ago and will be out for at least a few more weeks. If you need a pediatric ophthalmologist specifically, contact Sacred Heart children's hospital in Pensacola. You might try Eye Center South on HWY 98 in Miramar-several good providers can be found there although none specifically for peds to my knowledge.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
That reminded me of the Eye Center in PC. Huge practice I would assume they have a Ped.
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