They might stay away if we installed a cell phone jammer and showed more artsy/adult movies.
I don't mind all the teenagers. To me, it's just part of the movie-going experience...
I mean, movies have always been a popular outing for "kids" of all ages, and that's part of the magic to me, is that this one film is bringing together all different kinds/ages of people in laughter or tears or screams or gasps... Ok, yes. I'm a nerd. I've come to terms with it...
I would love, love, love(!) to have another theater, closer by than Pier Park (I don't often go into Destin, it's not one of my favorite places, but I love Panama City Beach...)
I've often wondered when this would happen. IIRC, a theater was in the original plans for the Boulevard... C'mon Commissioners, let's make it happen!