Favorites- Song of the Spindle, Into Thick Air, Eco-Ninja, Industrial Revolutions, Unicorn Sashimi. I know you can find the entire Into Thick Air on Vimeo- it is a hilarious mockumentary about climbing.
Thanks again to John R and his Mountainfilm team, and to Watercolor for again providing such a great place to watch great films.
And not so much thanks to everyone who not only brought tall chairs, but instead of setting them up in the back to be polite and not block the views of others in their low back chairs, chose to set them up wherever the hell they wanted, blocking the views of so many. Maybe we could look into a chair borrowing or rental from Watercolor, and people who show up with the tall chiars can switch them out. The kids gave up trying to see over the tall chair people and had to go flop down front. Before the show last night, I explained to the offending group in our area that it would be a great thing to move their chairs to the back row, and there was plenty of room to do so. Of course they didn't because they didn't care about anybody else at the show.