That is excellent! Back when I was in the corporate work-a-day world at Boeing, the most difficult concept for me to understand was the idea that I was personally responsible for the health and well-being of the company ? that I had the power to contribute to the bottom line and increase profit even though I was not on any sales team. Wasn?t until I started a part time business that I ran during my off-work hours that it all began to sink in. The realization changed my whole approach to my day job, and that attitude shift transformed my relationship with the people I worked for. Went from mere employee to ?participatory partner? ? from wage slave to ?revenue generator?, helping to land contracts and attract business. Got raises, got promotions, all in a very short period of time. Strangely, when I tried to convey that new understanding to many of my co-workers, they avoided me like the plague, though they would constantly complain about not getting paid enough or not getting the recognition they assumed they deserved for merely showing up. This article is a very important one not only for business owners, but for managers and ESPECIALLY employees who should realize that they too have the power to make a profitable impact.