Hi - Beach To Bayou is certified to perform a mold survey and obtain mold samples. We FedEx the samples to the laboratory for analysis and will have the results back in 3 days. The lab results will tell you, what kind of mold spores you have, and determine if the spore count is elevated.
We DO NOT perform remediation, nor provide you with a clean up plan - all we do, is take the samples and send them to the laboratory. There are several local companies that we can recommend, once it is determined / confirmed that you have an elevated mold issue, to assist you with remediation or clean up.
I can take the samples on Monday, and the results will be back on Wednesday.
If you are interested, email us at INFO@ BeachToBayou.com, with your contact information or you can our office @ (850) 231-3313 and we'll call you Monday morning to set an appointment.
JD Johnson
Beach To Bayou Property Inspections