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A day of silent meditation and quiet activities, sponsored by the Emerald Coast Meditation Society, is a way to observe the solstice that takes place June 20.

The retreat will include eight 30-minute meditation periods interspersed with meals, outdoor walks, yoga, qigong and other exercises. Participants can take part in the whole day or any part of it.

It will be led by Caroling Geary and Nancy James, and is the tenth in a quarterly series stretching from December 2009 to December 2012.

The retreat is free of charge, but registration is required by June 20.

Anyone who wishes to register or to see the day’s schedule, contact James at nancyjames@embarqmail.com or (850) 231-1498. For schedule, see note:http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=369693413062421

Geary and James have been meditating since the 1970s. Geary has practiced yoga since 1974 and meditative art since 1954. Her website is at Wholeo.net. She has worked in the computer industry as a technician and tech writer, is a Friend of Deer Lake State Park, hikes, photographs, and makes videos for the Florida Trail Association, Digital Graffiti and other local events.

James was a founding member of the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center in 1972, where she was active until moving to Walton County in 1991. She was president of Friends of the Coastal Branch Library when they were raising funds for a new library, which opened in 2000. She has been active in the South Walton Community Council. She helped found the Emerald Coast Meditation Society in 2009.

The ECMS, which meets twice monthly September through June, is non-sectarian, and includes practitioners of many forms of meditation. For further information, see our Facebook community page: http://facebook.com/ecmeditation
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