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“Meditation in Motion” will be the title of a presentation by Barbara Rezmer at the Dec. 1 meeting of the Emerald Coast Meditation Society. She will explain chi gong, lead some breathing and warmup exercises, and then take the group through one complete chi gong exercise.
The ECMS meets at 6:30 p.m at 480 N. Co. Hwy. 393, Santa Rosa Beach, one-half mile north of Hwy. 98. The meeting, open to the public without charge, begins with 30 minutes of silent meditation.
Rezmer has been practicing chi gong and tai chi for more than a decade. She is a certified teacher of tai chi for arthritis, and currently teaches this at 9 a.m. Mondays at the Destin Library.
She also is certified to teach the Eight Treasures: Energy Enhancement Chi Gong Exercises created by Dr. Maoshing Ni of California. He and his family founded the Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and he has appeared on the Dr. Oz show. He is the author of numerous books and videos on health. Rezmer, who has been practicing the Eight Treasures for over 10 years, teaches these movements at Shoreline Towers in Destin at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays.
Rezmer and her husband lived in Shalimar, where they raised four children, from 1971 to 1993, when they moved to Destin.
The ECMS is an ecumenical group open to anyone without charge. It meets on the first and third Thursdays. The evening will end around 8 p.m. with a short guided meditation. Anyone who would like meditation instruction should come at 6:15 p.m. Questions? Contact Nancy James, nancyjames@embarqmail.com.
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