CONTACT: Malayne DeMars,, 850-231-7382
Rosemary Beach Foundation,
Friday, June 17, 2011 at 7:30 pm, Rosemary Beach Town Hall
$10 suggested donation to the Rosemary Beach Foundation
Join Stefan Daiberl, Shantell Martin, and Allison Wickey as they reveal their individual creative
parths to “making it” as professional artists. Sharing personal stories, from their first creative
spark to their current style, each artist explains the lifestyle, people, places and objects that
inspire them to create.
Stefan Daiberl
Stefan Daiberl, born in Augsburg, Germany, in 1970, moved to the United States in 1997 to pursue a master's degree in business administration (MBA) from Babson College, which he received in 1999. In 2002, he left the New York consulting firm Interbrand and opened Craft, an interior design firm located on Scenic Highway 30-A. In 2007, Daiberl started producing his own works of art.
Stefan Daiberl’s works concern the making of order from chaos as a metaphor for the search for purpose and meaning. His rooting in a nature-driven, complex and laborious process of creation allows a flowing of work that results in visually and emotionally powerful pieces. Large numbers of small fragments
are meaningfully connected to create dynamic artworks that manifest human conditions such as hope,
pain, joy, darkness and light.
Shantell Martin
Artist Shantell Martin collaborates with her surroundings, translating into glyphs, lines, recurring characters, and words the newspaper someone is reading across the way, say, or a pair of shoes walking by, a thought she had, the sky, something overheard. Her universe is flexible, multi-dimensional, surreal, a constellation of small observations that spill from one medium to the next.
Whether it’s light on a wall, marker on skin, or pen or paint on canvas, she uses whatever materials are readily available and digs in for the sake of fun, often fueled by music. “I want people to
experience my ork without attaching any story line to it,” she says. “I don’t really care about preserving the moment, just about being in it.”
What’s produced is unexpected, a whole experience that’s simultaneously all encompassing and impermanent, continuously morphing or erasing itself.
Recent appearances include performances at MoMA, Museum of the Moving Image, and Tokyo and London megaclubs; she’s been cast as herself on
Gossip Girl, featured on CNN, and interviewed on an NBC morning show; she was a guest speaker at the F5 2011 conference and a guest lecturer at
the Mapping festival in Geneva, Switzerland.
Allison Wickey
Allison Wickey, 2011Beaches of south Walton artist of the year, studied in Chicago at Columbia College on South Michigan Avenue. In early 2007, Allison moved to Santa Rosa Beach for the beauty of the beach but are staying for the soul of this unbelievable, haunting , hidden slice of heaven we now call home.
Wickey was a Muralist and Faux Finish painter in the St. Louis area for 7 years. After giving birth to her second child, Wickey says
I was ready to create again but this time I wanted to paint for ‘myself’ and so I gathered my favorite media from the faux finish days,
venetian plaster and glazes and began to experiment on wooden ‘frames’. I set out to create antiqued versions of our vibrant landscapes,
animals and sealife. After about 10 paintings I arrived at the technique I use today, a roughly 13 step, 4 day process involving venetian plaster,
acrylic paint, glazes, an orbital sander and a good sense of humor! Finding my stride as an artist has been a long road and the journey has really
just begun! I have never been good at expressing my emotions, I guess I never knew how, and I find it so amazing how my emotions have found a
healthy stream out of my subconscious in color and shape. I wish everyone could find an occupation that allows them to grow and learn and find
purpose in every movement. It is really important to me to talk to the people I come in contact with through my work and let them understand that
this isn’t just a job, it is a lifestyle. I am promoting a way of life that is most natural to humans, involving using your mind and body, tapping into
your intuition and untapping outer chatter. Exploring your primal instincts and naturally stretching oneself to be the best you can be in every aspect your life.
My medium is Venetian Plaster on wooden frames. My inspiration is right here along 30-A : the lakes, the dunes and ever-changing Gulf of Mexico.